Writing this post for my dad who is a 40 year Class 8 mechanic, he is new to hybrids though. We have a 2007 Prius that appears to be dead. While the turn signal works, if you push the start button the radio does not even turn on and the car is totally dead. This means you cannot hit it with a scanner. I think the logical conclusion is a starter battery issue however this battery reads 12.7 volts. Also he has tried to jump start the car but it does not work. Any ideas what could be wrong? Would a dead hybrid cause this? Mechanics who have looked at this say they do not want to change the hybrid battery until they are sure it is an issue. Any advice is appreciated
Where did you get this car? The 12v battery is not the problem if it reads 12.7v. Check the am2 fuse in the engine compartment, see if it's blown
The voltage is measured at the battery post and apparently its actually 12.2. The car has 45k miles. The car was acquired at a fleet vehicle auction and has never started. The car will not get into ready mode, no dash, center console, or radio activity at all. Additionally the FOB does not lock/unlock the car.
I don't think you have the right key fob, you might need to reseed the car's computer to work with your keyfob
You cannot rekey the Prius without the working FOB right? My dad does say if he pushed the alarm button the alarm will sound but only for like 10 seconds. Other power door functions do not work
If the alarm button works, then your fob might be correct. Just use the key slot on your dash and try. You can Reseed the Prius computer without having a working key. You need a locksmith or dealer to have the credentials to reseed the computer.