So if you have ever wondered what the break even point was on a $/gallon VRS Cents / KWHR basis for your prime (according to the EPA at least) look no further. Sadly the table is too hard to post here from a phone but the math is very simple (Cost per gallon) / 54 * 4 = break even cost per KWHR Easy peasy, Right?
Thanks for the post. Since gas price changes quite bit, maybe remembering (cost per kwh)*54/4=breakeven cost of gas per gallon would be easier. Gas price higher than that, you are better off charging and running on EV, if the gas price dipped below that number, you are better off running on gas, HV.
Now someone should sticky this and a similar formula for the PIP so folks know the answer to this pressing question
You mean 4 * Cost_per_gallon / 54 Or ~ 0.075 * cost_per_gallon Now, if people would just wake up to externalized costs we could have a number that was actually useful
As one example, but a "minor" one. The massive costs are pollution, climate change, health and military.
Sorry, I made it too complicated since that expression presumes petrol cost in cents. Just multiply the cost per gallon in dollars by 7.5
Incidentally, for all you graph making elves ... Google Docs lets you 'publish' the chart by providing a png link that can be posted inside <img> tags in this forum. Then the forum software does not blow the photo up to huge size and any changes in the spreadsheet are automatic with a page refresh. For example: I still have not been able to publish a table, which would be really cool since it would save us from the annoying BB code editing and allow easy recalculations. If anybody knows how, please share !
Going into summer months EV looks like the winner as gas prices are steadily climbing. But isn’t that why we all got the car in the first place? Lol.
I don’t mean to dismiss the hybrid component, but driving in pure EV for me is more pleasurable in every way than on gas power alone. Regardless it is a very efficient vehicle no matter how you drive it.
For me it had nothing to do with fuel prices. If money was my only consideration I would probably still be driving my 1996 Honda Civic. As is, a Tesla has been ordered.