That's like saying I bought $15 shoes from Brand A and they only lasted a year so I bought these $300 shoes from Brand B and they've lasted 6 years now so obviously Brand B is better than Brand A. Apple makes medium-high quality machines, lesser quality in recent years. Dell makes everything from basic crap to high end gold. You get what you pay for.
I've always got our systems through a local clone maker. They're very professional, provide the kosher OEM install disks they used, all the extra screws, bay face plates and so on. Last time was 2011, two identical boxes, dual internal HD's, still fine. Well, I wore out the home key pips on the supplied keyboard, went back to my trusty/rusty Fujitsu clacker.
Bailed on windows 3 years ago, bought a mac 1 year ago my HP laptop died, bought a MacBook Air. So far so good, no issues and very stable.
I had someone round to reinstall windows this morning. No, really, I did. Here he is replacing the leaded window that was falling apart. Amazingly, he did both windows in an hour. I also got Windows 10 reinstalled yesterday, as my computer was completely munted after that update. So it has been a windows reinstallation week for me.
I think the guy that owns my Prius now would be somewhat surprised if I turned up and did that. But yes, it's a good idea. Actually, it really is very much a Windows reinstallation week, as on Sunday I'm flying on a Sichuan Airlines A319.... Sichuan Airlines Co-Pilot Sucked Halfway Out Of Broken Windshield I'm hoping they've screwed it in properly this time.
You're welcome to replace mine. It looks like a very angry spider tried to make a home in it. But that's life of a vehicle in Colorado where we routinely put down pea gravel sized chunks of raw granite on the road for snow/ice traction. Also makes excellent windshield destroyers for 8-10 months out of the year.
No problem. I'll be round in half an hour. We did get the windscreen of the Astra (the nanny's car) smashed over summer. We don't have our roads gritted, because it's never below 10C. But we get some serious hailstorms in summer: sometimes the hailstones are almost the size of tennis balls. One put a hole in the Astra windscreen, because we couldn't get it under cover before the storm. That's fixed, but the roof is still an interesting texture. In my Merc, it looks like a very angry spider* tried to make a home in the speedo. Because it did. And then it died, and I can't get it out without taking the whole instrument pod out. So it is sitting there and failing to rot. *It probably wasn't angry when it went in, but it was definitely angry when it discovered it couldn't get out.
We get those too unfortunately. Changes the laminar air flow of the vehicle, increases your efficiency lol.
Not winglets. Golf-ballish dents are to make boundary layer turbulent. Winglets increase span (thus lift) with little cost in drag. They are almost an imaginary extension of wings, but I ought not say that to a fearful flyer. Wings (of commercial jet transport) need to function well over ~4 fold velocity range and dimples (or pimples) are too simple.
Avast Anti Virus is the culprit in the latest Window Upgrade failures, be sure to uninstall it before the upgrade. You may reinstall it afterwards if you like.
As far as I was concerned, Avast itself was a virus. I had no recollection of installing it. Somehow, it came in as Trojan-ware with something else earlier this month. So I uninstalled it with prejudice.
Using BitDefender here, seems pretty good. Not that I have an in-depth knowledge though. Just: it doesn't bug me, and I don't bug it, lol.
Got rid of that a long time ago, still not happy with Microsoft. Have to go shopping for something for my 88 YO father to access the internet and emails with. I'm seriously considering getting a Chromebook, a lot less complicated than this MS Windows 10 business. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.