Can anyone tell me how the temp for mg1 is derived? Upon disassembling an '06 t/a I found there is no temp sensor on the stator winding. TIA for any info.
Do you have the 06-09 repair manual? If not, send me a PM and I will reply with a link to download it. JeffD
In the Repair Manual (available by subscription to, the section for diagnostic trouble codes P0A38-257 and P0A39-259 says, “The No. 2 motor temperature sensor detects the temperature of the transaxle fluid.” This is different from the No. 1 sensor in MG2, which is in the motor assembly itself.
Thanks, I'd wondered if when they talk of No.2 motor if they meant mg2, and I think that confirms it for me with the mention of the fluid temp sensor. I don't have any trouble codes, I just am wondering how techstream derives the temp for mg1 since there is no temp sensor attached to mg1 stator, yet there are temps listed for both mg1 and mg2 on some of the data-list pages in techstream.
Never mind, I now think the references to mg1 in techstream are probably referring to mg1's inverter.