HELP Is my engine messed up?! Oil dry

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by Lex G, May 17, 2018.

  1. Lex G

    Lex G Junior Member

    May 17, 2018
    2009 Prius
    Four Touring
    I drive a 2009 Prius touring.
    I had the oil change programmed into the maintenance mode of the car.
    Needless to say the maintenance required did not go off, and I ended up driving my car 2000+ miles over the mileage on the oil change sticker from the dealer. Its more like closer to 3k over.

    I was driving home from work one day and the "Problem" Bar flashed across the screen.
    I slowed and pulled over to a parking lot but didn't know what was the issue.

    I drove it home and when I checked the oil there was none on the dipstick.
    There was a sludge like liquid on the end of the dipstick.

    I called my dad and he put 530 oil in, and the car took about 3.5 quarts.

    Is there damage?

    My mom says I should trade in my car and get a new one, because she thinks there is engine damage and the car will blow up on me.

    My dad thinks the car is fine.

    Currently the oil is coming out a dark brown color, almost like molasses color.

    Should I trade in my car or do you think my car is okay?
  2. hchu1

    hchu1 Active Member

    Sep 28, 2006
    Houston, Tx.
    2014 Prius v wagon
    The prius engines are known to consume a half a quart to a quart between oil change intervals in higher mileage engines. You don't say how many miles are on yours. But yes, your mom could be right about damage to the engine. You were out of oil when your dad put in 3.5 qts.

    You need to check the oil more frequently, not rely on the maintenance light to be your guide. This is what you get if you don't be proactive. If you plan on keeping the car, a used engine is not expensive to drop in, approx. $1k. Your engine will not likely blow up tomorrow, but will consume more oil, you will have to be vigilant to make it last longer.
    Lex G and Merkey like this.
  3. Lex G

    Lex G Junior Member

    May 17, 2018
    2009 Prius
    Four Touring
    My car was at 106k miles when I bought it. I currently have it at around 135k. I've only had the car for over 2 years. I drive quite a bit with work.

    Is there any way to check for engine damage? I was googling how much it would be to replace the engine and most searches said it would be around 7k to put one in.

    I wasn't sure if taking it to a repair shop would help, or if getting an oil change would help either.

    TMR-JWAP Senior Member

    Aug 12, 2016
    Columbia, SC
    2007 Prius

    Before you go into panic mode, when the engine is running, is blue smoke pouring out of the exhaust pipe as if you were batman putting up a smoke screen? If not, then you have not had any really significant/catastrophic damage. Our blue 2005 Prius (currently at ~290,000 miles) suffered through a few similar occurrences when my son first started driving it. That car is still going strong.

    A good option for you is to go ahead and do a proper oil and filter change. Adjust the oil level so it is exactly on the top 'full' mark. Drive the car as you normally would. Check the oil level again every 500 miles (or just do it every time you fill the gas to make remembering easier) and note any level difference. If level gets to about halfway between the 'full' and 'add' mark, top it off again and document how much you add and the current odometer reading. This will allow you to get an accurate idea of your oil consumption rate. ALL cars burn some oil. It's a mechanical device. Anyone who tells you it should burn zero oil doesn't understand how in internal combustion engine works or how it's lubricated.
    #4 TMR-JWAP, May 18, 2018
    Last edited: May 18, 2018
    m.wynn, SFO and Lex G like this.

    TMR-JWAP Senior Member

    Aug 12, 2016
    Columbia, SC
    2007 Prius
    Is there any way to check for engine damage?

    Yes, see paragraph one in post #4. When an engine is damaged due to oil starvation, the most obvious damage will be to main bearings, connecting rod bearings and piston rings. A damaged bearing will many times result in a 'knocking' noise, like a loud clack, clack, clack that will increase or decrease in frequency and intensity with engine RPM. Piston ring damage will result in burning additional oil, and if bad enough, will result in significant smoke exiting the exhaust pipe while the engine is running. Although I'm not positive about the Prius 1.5 liter engine, many engines are designed so the main and rod bearings have priority oiling, where they will be the last to starve in a low oil condition. That's why I'm saying look for smoke. If the piston rings are effectively undamaged, then the bearings are most likely fine.

    Also, if the warning merely "flashed" across the screen then disappeared, then oil pressure was only lost momentarily. Even less to worry about.
  6. Lex G

    Lex G Junior Member

    May 17, 2018
    2009 Prius
    Four Touring
    No smoke yet, I was just concerned if I did damage it.

    I did notice that when it starts up, what is supposed to be the engine turning on for about 30 seconds, seems a bit louder.
    I've also noticed that the car doesn't shake like a lug nut is loose, but it does seem to shake a little bit during those first 30 seconds. It reminds me of how I shake when I'm hypoglycemic.
    It also seems like that has turned from 30 seconds to maybe about a full minute now.

    There is no cracking noise, or thumping noise, which I assume is good.

    I was just worried that something was wrong with the car for the maintenance mode to not work. Typically with oil changes, the technician would program it into the car as well as give me a sticker. I had seen the maintenance required go off when I hit 130k miles, but I didn't notice it when my oil change was due. I had checked the oil change in the maintenance mode when it went off at 130k, but it said I still had about 1.5k miles to go, so I just left it alone.
  7. fuzzy1

    fuzzy1 Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2009
    Western Washington
    Other Hybrid
    Yes, do this. Then:
    Never mind the missed reminder, don't EVER go the full oil change distance without checking the oil level. That is a recipe for potential disaster. While most people will get by just fine most of the time, a certain fraction will get a very nasty reminder that the allowed oil loss rate on even a brand new car is fast enough to completely drain away the entire oil supply in less than the specified change interval. And if you don't catch it in time, the new car warranty does not cover the resulting damage. Only class action lawsuits can do that.

    And your engine isn't new, so it could burn more. And it may not give any warnings before it suddenly starts burning faster.

    Note to other readers, of all car models: if you haven't checked your oil in several thousand miles, go do it now. Don't wait for the next scheduled service.
  8. Lex G

    Lex G Junior Member

    May 17, 2018
    2009 Prius
    Four Touring
    In the morning i'll take it to get the oil changed and a new filter.

    Is there anything that I should be looking for in regards to oil consumption?
    I heard that once it starts going through oil at a certain rate, something should be replaced.

    Is the shaking any cause for concern?
    I got my tires replaced a while back, and its only on startup. There is no shaking when I am driving.
    I don't know if that is common for an older car.

    Also, is there an easy way to determine how much oil you are putting in?
    My dad bought a big 5 quart jug of oil for my car. We just used a standard funnel and checked the gauge on the size of the jug.
    If I should check the oil after each time I get gas, is it best to just measure in quarts such as a half quart?
  9. Patrick Wong

    Patrick Wong DIY Enthusiast

    Mar 8, 2008
    Green Valley, AZ
    2015 Prius
    Hi Lex,

    1. The difference between the upper and lower dimples on the dipstick is ~1.6 US quarts.
    2. As previously pointed out, you should check the oil level each time you refuel and add as needed.
    3. It is OK to use the gauge on the side of the 5 quart plastic container as an approximate guide.
    4. You'll find out soon enough if you have caused engine damage, based upon visible exhaust emissions or unusual engine bearing noise as mentioned above.
    5. An excellent idea to change the engine oil and filter now.
    6. Engine oil consumption typically is due to leaking valve stem seals or excessive wear between the engine pistons and the cylinder walls. These are not trivial issues to repair.
    7. Regarding the engine vibration upon cold start, if it goes away after a warm up period then don't worry.
    8. If you did not replace the iridium spark plugs at 120K miles, do that now.
    9. As a comparison, my 2007 has 120K miles and uses a quart of oil per 2,500 miles. The engine oil level has never been allowed to drop below the lower dipstick dimple. The oil consumption rate will increase when traveling at highway speeds vs. city traffic.

    Good luck with your continued Prius ownership.
    #9 Patrick Wong, May 18, 2018
    Last edited: May 18, 2018
    The Electric Me and jerrymildred like this.
  10. Leadfoot J. McCoalroller

    Leadfoot J. McCoalroller Senior Member

    May 12, 2018
    2018 Prius c
    It isn't practical to inspect the engine for oil starvation damage- the procedure requires far too much labor to be cost-effective. You can do a "quick-check" by looking for blue smoke as others have posted.

    The next best test is an oil pressure test. A pressure gauge would have to be temporarily installed on the engine and some readings taken. I've done this on a number of other cars and it is is great (if not totally deterministic) way to determine the health of the main & rod bearings. I've never tried it on a Prius though.

    Add a repeating reminder to your smartphone for oil checks. It's just an extra layer of defense that doesn't cost anything. Better to check too often at first, then reduce frequency once you have a feel for how often the oil needs topping-up, if ever. Oils change with usage, so consumption rates can vary over time. One of my other cars doesn't burn any oil once it has a fresh load, but after 2500 miles it will start consuming on an accelerating pace since the oil has been sheared down over time.
  11. John McG.

    John McG. Junior Member

    Nov 11, 2012
    2007 Prius
    I hope your dad changed the oil filter.

    I you have not had the spark plugs changed and plan to have it done, ask if they can do a compression test on the engine while changing the plugs. This will tell you whether the engine has any significant wear in the rings which would likely show any trouble first.

    Your mom is right as well ( aren't they always?), if the engine had a close call, the engine might show more serious issues down the road, but its unpredictable and much less likely with a Prius. I wouldn't sell the car based on this issue, certainly not yet.

    Definitely keep an eye on all the fluids and your tire pressure. All are important with a Prius.

  12. Lex G

    Lex G Junior Member

    May 17, 2018
    2009 Prius
    Four Touring
    My dad didn't change the oil filter right away.
    Mostly due to time constraints. It was about 7pm when I found out there was no oil and we had to buy more.
    I'm actually on my way to go to get an oil change now.

    I just called up the dealership and they will be changing the spark plugs and doing a compression test on the engine.
    That happens on Tuesday, so I'm hoping its okay that the car can wait that long.

    Thank you for letting me know about the spark plugs, I did not know that those had to be replaced. My Prius was the first Prius in the family, and now my mom also has a Prius. We are still learning about what a Prius needs at so many miles compared to traditional cars, so if there are anymore things that have to be replaced at a certain mileage please let me know.

    Is there any sort of estimate as to how many more miles my car will go before it dies?
  13. ETC(SS)

    ETC(SS) The OTHER One Percenter.....

    Oct 28, 2010
    Redneck Riviera (Gulf South)
    Other Non-Hybrid
    So, yes......presume that the engine is "damaged."
    The first thing that you have to determine is "how much."

    It's like aging in humans.
    You have a 2009, which is a middle aged car, even if you don't drive very much.
    Mileage is important well as "what kind of mileage"... because this is also similar to aging in humans.
    It's possible for humans to be couch potatoes and eat all the wrong foods, and still live to be centenarians......but it doesn't happen very often....if you know what I mean.
    It's also possible for people to exercise daily, eat vegan, and avoid bad karma and kick off before they hit the manufacturer's warranty of three score and ten for humans.

    Here's how this applies to your car:
    Wear happens...where it happens, which is why your car was over 2 quarts low when the ID10T lamp illuminated.

    Where did the 2 quarts go?
    Well........PRESUMING that your dealer performed the oil change correctly, ( all) and PRESUMING that you do not have a leak, and presuming that nothing else happened to the oil such as theft, alien abduction, dipstick error, etc.........then I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that your car was probably drinking and maybe even smoking behind your back....for a while now....and yes.
    It's probably your fault, but that's OK.
    Many people with pre-teens have this problem, and it's usually caused by the same thing.
    Not paying attention.

    The good news is that......your car is still running, AND (here's the phrase that pays!!!) it's probably still getting good mileage!!
    Cars that need extensive engine repairs do not usually get good gas mileage, so do not think that you have to do anything involving dealership mechanics and boat payments!!!
    The other good news is that you can still get YEARS more service out of this car by monitoring your fuel efficiency and your oil consumption.

    Things to do:
    Thing number first: make sure that the oil and filter were changed.....hopefully correctly and determine when this happened.
    There's no need to be super anal about it, the nearest hundred miles or so is OK.
    Then? Find out how to check the oil, and start doing so every month or thousand miles.
    If this sounds familiar, it's because the manual that came with your car says to do so.
    What you're going to wind up with is an oil burn rate, and chances are that this burn rate (based on your OP) will be about a quart every three thousand miles or so.
    All you have to do is keep the oil topped off between 5,000 mile oil changes by adding as necessary.
    If the oil burn rate stays the same, and your fuel efficiency stays about the same, then it's going to wind up killing your about the 20 year/250,000 mile mark.

    If your car burns excessive amounts of oil, then you're going to know about it fairly quickly!!!!
    You see a large blue cloud of smoke behind you.....or your county wants to borrow your car for mosquito control....or you have to pay off your local emissions tester, kids won't let you drop them off at school, and friends start asking "which car are you driving?" when you drop by for lunch........then it's probably time to consider "next steps."
    What is excessive you ask?
    Well....Toyota says 1 quart every 600 miles, but this is because they do not like to replace engines under warranty.
    Things like spark plugs and your catalytic converter will probably start giving you trouble well before this level of consumption!

    Things to DON'T:

    Don't try any daffy additives in the Marvel Mystery Oil aisle of your local parts house.
    Don't tell your dealership. It makes them salivate all over their yachting magazines.
    Don't think that you have to go into your garage every four hours to check your oil level. Once every other fill-up is probably fine.
    Don't give up the ship! Oops....wait. I have that other words:
    Don't think that your car is ruined. 1Q/3000 miles for a nine year old car is closer to normal than you may think.

    Good Luck!
    #13 ETC(SS), May 18, 2018
    Last edited: May 18, 2018
  14. Lex G

    Lex G Junior Member

    May 17, 2018
    2009 Prius
    Four Touring
    Oil is changed. The motor sounds just like how I bought it the first day.
    No smoke at all, and im still getting around 40 mpg right now.

    The dealership quoted me at 190$ for the spark plugs, and 140$ for the engine compression test.
    My dad said that was a high price for spark plugs, so I am calling around, but still keeping appointment at the Toyota dealer.

    I google-ed the Prius maintenance mode and created an excel spreadsheet to make sure that I keep track of data.
    (For work all I make are excel spreadsheets, so i'm sorta used to making them for everything).

    If there are any issues with "Do it every" mileage, please let me know.
    Right now most is red, due to not knowing if the dealership did it before I bought it.
    Tomorrow, Saturday is when i plan on checking everything that I am able to do myself, to fill out the rest of the spreadsheet.

    I checked the other forums and found that some people mention replacing the catalytic converter. Not sure at what mileage this should be done, or cost.

    I also noticed that the maintenance schedule mentions inspecting engine valve clearance. My dad says that it would require taking apart the motor, is that true?
  15. ETC(SS)

    ETC(SS) The OTHER One Percenter.....

    Oct 28, 2010
    Redneck Riviera (Gulf South)
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I'll let some of the G2 owners weigh in on maintenance periodicities, but yours seem a little suspicious to me.
    If you do not feel like reading all of the crap below, here's the reader's digest:
    $190 is a little high for the Spark Plugs, but it's not the worst price I've seen, and if you're confident that the dealer is capable of performing this task, I'd do it.
    I would not do the compression test, since you do not yet know how much oil you're consuming, nor can you.....nor should you use the compression test results to determine whether or not it's time to do a heart transplant....and quite frankly I would not trust the dealership to provide accurate readings since they have a 4-figure financial incentive to put their thumb on the scale.

    The rest....

    Here's a web site that you may use to download the for-real maintenance schedule from the people who designed and built the car.
    Keep in mind that there is.....(*cough-cough!!*) "sometimes" a stark difference between the maintenance that a dealership recommends, and those items recommended by the manufacturer.

    If it sounds like I'm a little jaded towards stealerships......I am, so do not take my word for it.

    Here's the link:
    2009 Toyota Prius Owners Manual and Warranty - Toyota Owners, I almost blew it.
    Some would say....."again."
    Sometimes I don't know as much as I think I do, and when I read "check valve clearance" I actually had to download a copy of the schedule of maintenance for the G2 (2009) Prius because I thought that nobody did valve clearance (sometimes called valve lash) checks since they filmed the chase scene in Bullit.
    Ah......get your Dad to explain that one to you.

    However (comma!) according to your schedule of maintenance, it's actually listed! :eek:

    Note that according to the schedule of maintenance that it states that.......and I'm quoting:
    (6) Check for tappet noise and engine vibration and adjust if necessary.
    Anyway, if a person were to actually perform this maintenance item, then it would involve removing the valve cover and
    There's no way on GOD's green earth that I would ever ALLOW a dealership to perform this maintenance.
    More than likely, they would charge you a few hundred bucks to start the car, pretend to listen for noise, and call it good.

  16. priusb78

    priusb78 Member

    Jul 20, 2009
    Nuremberg, Germany
    2005 Prius
    "Inspect engine valve clearance" only means "accoustic inspection", meaning listen if there any strang valve noises. Your dad is right: otherweise you have to take your engine apart.

    What is the difference between line 7 and line 25?

  17. Lex G

    Lex G Junior Member

    May 17, 2018
    2009 Prius
    Four Touring
    To be completely honest, everything I pulled into the excel document came from that linked PDF straight from Toyota. (I was too lazy to grab the maintenance schedule from my car). It goes by what they have listed in that guide. They said to check a list of items every so often, so I just put them in there. I did notice that some repeated, so I just kept it listed with the shortest amount of mileage.

    As for lines 4 through 11 come from this thread: What services you need and what you don't | PriusChat

    I don't know if they are applicable to me, but I did put them in the excel sheet.

    I don't know what the difference is between transaxle fluid and automatic transmission fluid. Are they the same?

    As for the spark plugs, I was able to contact a different mechanic. Turns out one of my dad's friends has a mechanic shop. He has quoted me at 135 for OEM spark plugs (a term my mother told me to always go for), He mentioned he could do a engine compression test, but told me I probably didn't really need it. He said it would be $20 or free. He said he would also check my PCV Valve, just in case, and if it has to be replaced, it would be $20 as well.

    Since he can get me in sooner than the dealership, and isn't charging me an arm and a leg, I plan on going with them.
  18. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
  19. Lex G

    Lex G Junior Member

    May 17, 2018
    2009 Prius
    Four Touring
    To be honest, I am.

    I don't know much about cars unfortunately, it's not something they taught in high school. (None of the high schools in my area taught automotive, or even how to do things like taxes).
    As a 20 year old, I'm learning.
    I have taken from this experience, and now I know the importance of checking your oil. (I've actually texted most of my friends and family to remind them to check their oil before the sticker mileage).

    I came to this forum because even though I am ignorant when it comes to car maintenance and repairs, I do genuinely love my Prius. I don't think I would ever purchase another car that wasn't a Prius.

    And I am just extremely happy that my car is still working, and still drives. I feel like I got very lucky this time.
    Raytheeagle likes this.
  20. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    i meant, learn how to use it.:)