Anyone else noticed a rate increase over the past few months on their C? So far over the past few months it's went up $7.25 a month. I've been with my insurer for so many years I get way too much in discounts to warrant a switch to someone else. But the paper they send out notifying me says the rate increase is due to change of rates in comprehensive & collision. Just curious if anyone else is seeing the nudge upwards in rates or if I'm being snowed by my local agent. For the record: No wrecks in last 20 years No tickets ever in my life Only driver listed.
I can only say in my instance (which includes my family) that it's just the "C" which has been going up. The range of vehicles are a Nissan Titan, Honda Civic, Honda Accord and Ford Explorer. Family are telling me only the Explorer went up (once) in the last 6 months. Titan actually went down while the 2 Honda's have remained steady.
My cost to insure my "slightly used" 2016 Prius C-1 is $117 a month, which seems excessive. I'm a 58-year-old woman and this is a second car. No speeding tickets, but I had one "at fault" accident in the last year. I was told it was "forgiven" because I was 40 years accident free.
i'd call them, but i'd be afraid they might say, 'oh, we made a mistake, your other cars are going up too'.
Wow that is high. I'm paying $76.20 a month and that's the most I have ever paid for insurance in my life. (which includes discounts for being accident free / multiple policy discount). I'm trying something my brother told me to do which was to go online to a few insurance companies and request quotes. Making sure to hit at least 1 website which will quote multiple companies. Apparently they read or seen somewhere that doing this occasionally can sometimes reduce rates when you show up on your own insurance companies list of people requesting quotes. worth a shot, but iono. If anything it'll just increase my email spam and robo calls. (which I never answer anyways)
I pay $43./month for liability bodily injury, property damage, medical payments, 100 deductible comprehensive, 1000 deductible collision, underinsured, uninsured. This is in the state of PA, Bucks County. 6 discounts applied to my rates.
It sure feels high. I'm with State Farm, and I spent some time on the phone with them, trying to figure out a way to make it cheaper. My car insurance went up a lot after my husband's death. I guess it's the widow tax? I don't know. I wouldn't think adding a little car to the policy would cause such an increase.
You lost the Married Discount. If you have two cars designate the older/less valuable one the daily driver.
I sure hope the "requesting quote" thing my brother told me of works. These emails / and calls are absolutely insane. At least they don't hide their numbers or try to spoof local numbers. I'd answer - but none of the quotes even came close to what I'm paying now. If she did that, then the insurance company requested mileage, wouldn't she get dinged when they see that obviously her other car isn't the daily driver? Around here, you swing by your insurance company when they send you a letter. They check mileage, condition of vehicle then your on your way. Guess it helps stop insurance cheats?
I've never had an insurance company request mileage... though, if they have carfax, they can see that I take it to the dealership every 5k miles.