in other words, CAFE isn't going to help, high gas prices (or inflating the gas price put by raising gas taxes) will.
So let's raise the price of gas so it cost as much to drive a Prius as it does a Ford Expedition? At least those Government boys receiving those taxes will love it.
We haven't tanked up in over a month now, and the gauge is still above the half-way mark. This is not uber-efficient gen 4 or Prime either, just lifestyle change, and some judicious trip consolidation: if you've got to go somewhere one, day, do the shopping while you're at it, that sort of thing.
Ugh though it is just some random guy opinionating for click bait. He makes a big stink about how low fed gaso taxes are, but we got state and local taxes on top of that.
Mississippi is closing bridges rather than raise gas tax to maintain them. You can assume we will go back to horses before our state raises a tax. More Mississippi bridges added to list; counties get 24 hours to begin closures | Mississippi Today
Conservative mindset (to the extreme): Let's close all roads, ban cars and we won't need any of them thar commie taxes!! Harrumph! We can all walk; think of the health benefits, although it might take a while to get to Indiana! Harrumph, Harrumph! Who needs progress; that's just that Liberal nonsense! Harrumph, Harrumph!! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I am all for the higher tax if that would cut down the use of gas. The truth is, higher tax on gas or not, people still need transportations. Without sound public transportation system, we will still have to use as many automobiles to move about. Sorry, bicycle won't work on snowy road, or even on nice non-wintery day, I can't think of bicycling 18 miles to work every day.
We agree with no gaso tax in Virginia. However, we do have one section of our state (northern Va.) that is considered the people that *should* be paying more taxes. So we increased sales tax selectively on that section to pay for roads.
Baby steps: work from home (telecommute) one day a week? A lot of jobs are just begging for this. I can recall thinking, when I came into the office, that my computer was a glorified time clock.
I can work almost entirely by telecommuting if I so choose. I don't do it because I don't like homework. In fact, I intentionally asked IT to set up a desktop computer in my office, not a laptop so I have no way to bring back work home with me. Not every jobs have this flexibility though.
I hate laptops, can't touch type on them, not the same. Yeah I like stationary stuff. I have to go sit at my home office station when making phone calls..., with my cell phone, lol.
Laptop is all I use at home for my personal non-work stuff. I am OK with it as long as it has physical keyboard with sufficient travel. What I HATE is touch screen. That includes my PRIME's 11.6 inch LCD.
what was the point of the article? it's not as though we chose cafe over taxes. it is what it is, politicians and lobbyists decide, and we yea or nay them in and out of office. (or the electoral college does)