This has happened 3 times with my current 2015 Prius V. I owned a 2006 Prius for 10 years prior to this one and never had a problem. In the 2.5 years I've owned this car, it has THREE TIMES moved forward while in PARK (but still running). The first two times, we were able to apply the brakes or turn off the car in time to prevent a problem. TODAY, however, my car was clearly in PARK but running while I ran the garbage to the curb and ran in the house very briefly. When I came out it had run down the street into a tree. Has anyone else even heard of this happening??
If it's reproducible I'm sure a dealer/corporate would like to know - they might blame a faulty parking pawl?
Two things come to mind: 1) make sure you are completely stopped and keep your foot on the brake while pushing Park, 2) get in the habit of using the parking brake, the one you ratchet down with your left foot, whenever you leave the car.
No, I haven't heard a lot of reports of this happening. But Yes, I would HIGHLY recommend NOT ever leaving a running vehicle unattended. You're lucky nothing worse happened. I'd get it checked out. Especially if this is the 3rd time it's happened.
^ This. What's wrong with the car aside: just stop leaving a running car unattended. Have to get out? Shut it down and apply the parking brake.
i would do some testing, to see if you can make it happen. the only thing i've ever read is when someone fails to hit the park button, but thinks they did. i see my wife jab the buttons so quickly, she confuses the car.
As you may know the Prius has an electrical “Park Control Motor” that incorporates a number of hall effect sensors. There is the possibility that the motor has been compromised with water and/or salt corrosion. Your best bet would be to have it inspected by you dealer. In all likelihood this would be a warrantable repair.
The Park Control Motor is on the out side of the transaxle, this should not require much disassembly. In this video, they remove it from 2:00 to 4:00
First, I'm sorry for the hassle this has caused you. I see that this is your first post. I hope you will circle back when you have more information from the dealer and update this thread. There are legitimate reasons for wanting to leave the car running while unattended. For example, when off-the-grid I often use the car as a source of electricity to charge laptops, cell phone, etc. I am nearby, but not in the car. Likewise, it is common for people to start the car and let it run for several minutes in the winter/summer to let it heat/cool before driving. I really hope that the OP returns and updates this thread.
I have had mine lurch forward slightly when starting the engine while in park. It doesn't seem to actually move much or if at all, but from what I understand, if you are using the car as a parked generator you need to set the physical parking brake.
Fair enough. I'm still not a proponent of leaving a running vehicle unattended. There are situations where we can "want" to do it, but that doesn't make it a good idea. I'm pretty much if the vehicle is going to be unattended? It shouldn't be running.
I leave mine running on park with parking brakes engaged going into stores when I know it won't take me no longer than 10 mins to get back in the car All the time.
Well I hate to argue with someone that has a quote of mine in their signature.... But Why? Vehicles, even Prius are designed to be turned off..and on. The Prius is a 3,500 lb machine,- on wheels. I wouldn't walk away from a running blender for 10 minutes. Risk vs. 'Reward"? just doesn't seem worth it to me.
Me too, the mind boggles. You can't lock your car when it's on (except with the very cumbersome little key in the keyfob), it will sit there idle consuming power and therefore fuel. What good reason can you have to keep a car running for that long, when you're away from it.
Please, I mean no offense to anyone when I say this but in general terms there is no failsafe system that can avoid disaster through the interjection of human ignorance. It’s just a fact of life... or death.
Another way; roll all windows up except driver, get outside close driver door, pull driver window switch up to roll window up, quick press lock all doors. A good reason: Not go thru startup cycle again for ICE to spin up because some have to make less than 1 mile trip between multiple destinations and never in store for more than 10 minutes (maximizing MPG). ICE never turns on because HV is usually 4 bars or more when parked with parking brakes on when going into store so it has never yet wasted fuel. This gets higher 60s and lower 70s MPGs round trip, cutting engine off each time, lower 50 mpgs.