I thought it was supposed to be blue. The color is called "Blue Magnetism." It looks blue in the pictures. It looks blue to the naked eye. My registration says it's green. Did this happen to anyone else? I did get an "I love that color" from a random stranger the other day. He said he intentionally parked next to me because of the color of my car. His (Volkswagen) was gray.
If the registration is wrong you may want to get it corrected. Otherwise when selling they could safely assume the car was repainted.
It just occurred to me that there is probably some computer form with a limited set of colors and someone accidentally clicked on the wrong one. At first, I imagined someone looking at the car, and mistaking it as green (colorblind?) and typing in "GREEN". There is a tiny bit of green in the color.
The window sticker says it's blue. So I'll just say I had it painted green and then had it painted blue again.
You really need to have your plates and registration match the color of your car. Law enforcement tends to get really interested when they don't. Stolen maybe? Drug mule? ect. Many departments have been given license plate camera scanners through the DHS since 911. Rockville, MD and my locals here in WV to name a few. Our registration renewal form here in WV has a form on the back to correct errors as does the related local personal property tax form.
There were no Primes on the lot of in the state at the time of purchase. I didn't want the greys because I've been driving a dark grey for 25 years. I didn't want the pearl white and the Blue Magnetism looked like teal. I was worried that the Hypersonic Red would be maroon or a flat red. My salesman promised the red was really pretty so I went with red. Totally satisfied and glad I took his recommendation!
The person in the Registry had Tritanopia. Condition of color blindness usually called blue-yellow color blindness. People affected by tritan color blindness confuse blue with green and yellow with violet. Or... your PRIME was actually supposed to be this one. Thermo-Tec Lime Green.