i don't swear. never really had the desire, and don't understand the joy. i find it put offing in conversation, and am tiring of the increased use in the media. i realize they are just words and the whole george carlin thing was funny, but it does have some effect on the brain, perhaps the meanings of the statements, rather than the words themselves?
On the brain front, there is evidence that swearing alleviates pain from things like stubbing your toe or stepping on a Lego.
Today, in public, around children and families, profanity is spoken loadly and boastfully. I hate it. Simply put, what is said repeatly becomes tolerated. I am with my wife at a restaurant, and the guys in the next booth are cussing like crazy AND playing on their cell phones vile and crazy videos! Yes, I have asked them to stop and the result, the lower their voices and turn down the volume! Yeah, like that really is helpful. Or, how about at a traffic light. The car next to you has his windows down and is playing his vulgar music so loud even with my windows up, I cannot hear my self think in my car! And, while the guy is playing music, he is cussing into his cell phone loudly as well................ What happened to "disturbing the peace?" Does anyone care to be mindful of others around us? It seems to be a lost art.
Adding to pet peeve listings. Was driving on S. Calif. freeways with a couple of youngins in car. Next lane over was large SUV of some sort with porn on several overhead video screens. I wished there had been a squirrel or UFO or anything in the other direction to distract them with.
I have read studies saying that people who swear are more honest and smarter than those who don't. However, that is debatable.
MARINE BOOTCAMP Marine bootcamp was 11 weeks followed by 6 weeks of infantry training. My first weekend pass, I went to San Clemente and other than ordering a beer, didn't talk to anyone but try not to stare too hard at the California girls. My second weekend pass my Uncle Bob, physicist PHD, and Aunt Jane, Russian and Library Science, picked me up to spend the weekend at their home with cousins Mary Jane (9) and Barbra (7). By now, my working vocabulary had shrunk to about 1200 Anglo-Saxon terms but I kept it together by mostly keeping my mouth shut. We went for pizza and with greasy fingers, Mary Jane grabbed the bill of my hat that I had taken hours to spit shine to patent leather sheen. When we got to their home, Mary Jane asked, "Would you like to see my shell collection?" My first thought was 'How did this little girl gather the brass?' But it was sea shells gathered at the beach and each on a piece of cotton in a small box. Then she started listing them by genus and species. "What do you think?" she asked. Thinking Marine 'F*ing nice' I had the good sense to say, "They sure are pretty." UNCLE HOWARD One of the first generation Oklahoman's, he could have written the dialog for Deadwood: Deadwood - Swearing in the Old West David Milch, creator of the new HBO Western, Deadwood, is peeved that TV critics keep carping about his potty-mouthed pioneers. “After a while, it gets a little discouraging,” he growls, calling right back from L.A. to answer the question once and for all: Did 1870s Americans really use such colloquially foul language with the Tourettic frequency of a Hollywood producer? Jesse Sheidlower, the American editor of the Oxford English Dictionary and the scholar of cussing who wrote The F-Word, says probably not. Not that frontiersmen were genteel. “There were cursing contests when cowboys would get together and insult each other,” he says. But “the evidence that we have is that they were using more religious blasphemy than the sexual insults which are popular today.” And on the show. Cursing was as natural with Uncle Howard as was his innate cleverness. An Oklahoma farmer whose closest town was Ingalls Oklahoma, it just the way he spoke with no meanness but like a newly minted Marine, a reduced, working vocabulary. Bob Wilson
Well if we bring it up and talk about it then its a problem. Curse words have a starting point and a destination just like any word. Of course I dont enjoy hearing it around my kid or other kids or schools, churches, certain events etc. But guess what. Blame who you like and try to curb the over usage of the any curse word. George Carlin said it best "Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity". I also dont like people sneezing with your mouth uncovered and people who, after you say excuse me, they just replay, "Yep". Manners and respect is what you guys should be worried about more. Cursing has a power no matter if you use it like the word "the" and "and". Of course silly me, I thought we were on a smart Prius Chat not a morality site for elders?
A seldom-used and well-placed expletive can be very effective. When it's every third word in a sentence, it loses all shock value and is only offensive. I also question the intelligence and vocabulary of frequent users.
I grew up with a father that rarely cursed. I only heard the F word from him when he was really steamed. And it was never directed at a person. As I grew up, I adopted the word into my vocabulary to fit in with the guys. Just like taking up smoking. Both bad habits. I actually use the word more as an adjective, like friggin or wicked. When I graduated college and started working in aerospace, all of my managers cursed. Constantly. If you screwed something up, they told you with the most blue language they could come up with. These same managers, who were excellent engineers, would now be dragged to HR for using that language around new hires. The world has really changed. If you can grow up and never use curse words, I encourage it. I encourage not smoking or drinking. But people are human and they have their own minds.
Exactly. See, you're sofa king angry, it's short-circuited your brain, and you've lost the ability to form words and arrange them into sentences.
%#$@! Is an example of grawlix. A perfectly acceptable literary stand-in when one chooses not to profane. Perhaps not high art, but certainly not indicating problems of cognition.
My guilt of using them is fully on display at PriusChat. Weak defense is that pull down is right there. But ya know, hate the sin etc...