A cabbie driving a Prime. It's the first fleet Prime I've seen. And, in a weird coincidence, about a minute later, I saw a Leaf taxi.
Primes dont make good taxis. Lack of back middle seat/trunk space. Seems like a poor choice of cars for that
Yeah, that was my thought. And that the limited EV range isn't worth the extra cost over a standard Prius.
Baloney. Most taxis are occupied by one person, and I've repeatedly had four people plus luggage for all four for more than a week in my Prime. 90% of the time I take a taxi there's not more than two passengers. When I've needed a vehicle larger than a Prime for a taxi, I've generally taken a full-sized van with 6-10 people.
Maybe true from your experience, but not sure you can generalize. There's a reason Uber requires its drivers to own at least a five-seater.
Stupidity comes to mind. There are different sized cabs for different sized loads. I've taken everything from a 4 seater to a 15 seater.