Granted, I've only gone to a full charge twice now. But both times, my EV range started as between 22 and 23. That doesn't seem right, given the advertised range of 25! I'm a long-time Prius driver, and I've already noticed I can game the system a fair bit with how I drive, and extend the reported range. But shouldn't it at least start higher?!?
yes. the range on the dash is just an estimate. the way to find out how many ev miles you can get is to charge it, and drive until the engine comes on. don't use hvac. your actual range will depend on climate, topography, speed, acceleration and driving style. don't forget, the 25 miles comes from a specific era test. ymmv.
Sounds like your Prime is fairly new? If this is true, you might be seeing the results of poor miles put on prior to your purchase. My first full charge showed 26 miles, but each succeeding charge increased and finally got to 31 miles indicated. Of course the heater/defrosted can really mess with our numbers. During the winter I kept my Prime set to 63 degrees, and wore a jacket.
It's still cold in the Notth East, wait. Once it stays above 50 degrees at night your number will be in the mid 20's, and then will hang out at 28-29, then next winter, back down to 21-22.
What have your weather and road conditions been? Cold weather and rainy or snowy roads will shrink the range, and thus range estimates.
Oh!! Well, there we go. Been unseasonably cold, as you clearly know. This is a brand new Prime. Only had it a week! But I had to wait until the massive 10-gauge extension cord showed up to reach the outlet and charge it up.
I think this might be the cause of your low miles estimate. If you drove a few days as a standard hybrid (didn’t plug in) the car’s computer thinks that is your normal procedure. Now that you are frequently plugging in, the number should rise. I think.
Please pardon me if this has been covered ad nauseum around here, but when it comes to cold weather, is it better to charge right before departure? Does it matter if it charges and then sits in the cold a few hours?
it might be slightly better because charging warms the pack, but not a big deal either way. you do have a battery warmer in the prime.
And, just as predicted here, the numbers are edging higher. Charge number 4 this morning topped 24. I like it!
Based on my experience you should see it rise into the low 30's as the weather warms. I've consistently been getting 31 now even when the temperature has been dipping into the 20's at night. I'm curious myself how far up it will go as we get into summer.
Most people report 22-23 miles per charge in a new car, and then after a few drives the range monitor gradually reaches the actual ranges the owner is getting. The impatient can always look at the fuel consumption screens.
Glad to hear your EV range is going up! Mine is now edging closer to 35 miles in the morning. Temps have been in the 50's the last few days. Wonder how much further it can go?
That's pretty great! Don't know why I find this so fascinating, but I'm really enjoying trying to edge it up. My problem is that, in order to use EV on my daily commute, I have to burn a lot on the highway. That obviously makes for some pretty low miles/KwH. Even so, I was at 27.7 this morning.
I live in North Florida, when fully charged my PPA shows 29... if I can live without the air conditioning, I get about that mileage if adhere to Eco driving as suggested in the HV Drive Assistant. Just turning on the a/c drops the estimate immediately several miles.
I actually find it fascinating too, I mean we all have the same battery pack so its interesting to see the varied results based on highway/back road driving, weather.. etc I am fortunate to have an all back road trip to work everyday which I thought was going to be challenging to make on all EV (29 miles round trip) but now it's a matter of how much EV I have left over for any errands afterwards.
Yes it does. But some things aren't worth it! I seldom use my heater in winter, but I'm already wearing very warm clothes. And now I'll have a seat heater. Maybe they ought to offer a seat cooler...
Morning temperature was finally above freezing this morning. I had EV range 31miles displayed first time since last Nov.