Wonder if this overheating issue will affect Prime https://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-fi-toyota-prius-investigation-20180423-story.html%3foutputType=amp#ampshare=http://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-fi-toyota-prius-investigation-20180423-story.html
One L.A. car dealer is making a racket. As a guess, he ordered too many Prius and now wants Toyota to take them back. Yawn
Since this issue is not concerning the Prime, may I suggest that this thread be moved to the News section.
most have never heard the term, " joint and severally liable" Example; HSD system dies due to overheating - car dies - center lane of 5 lane freeway - BAM - rear ended - permanent cervical damage - victim(s) sue dealer for selling car with known defect, & receives 6 figure settlement & family NEVER buys another car from that dealer or manufacturer again. Dealer drags Manufacturer into court, because dealer wouldn't have sold defective car had it not been for manufacturer negligently designing/building the inverter prone to overheating. So ..... which is the no brainer ..... dealer letting their self get sued & then having to sue manufacturer - when it can avoided? or returning a known defect. BTW - our 2006 HSD was recalled for inverter overheating potential. They replaced ECU's that ostensibly permitted more violent flow. Nothing wrong in our litigious with a bit of paranoia. The question still presents a reasonable inquiry - have there been any primes' inverters that have overheated? .
I thought the usual practice is to sue everyone, dealer and manufacturer, to go after the 'deep pockets.' Bob Wilson
yep - the shotgun approach is to haul any & all potential defendants in & let the defendants figure it out who pays what percent. .
Toyota is reevaluating the warranty enhancemnet to possible safety recall. So instead of changing some components internal to the inverter or sometimes the whole inverter, then it may just be a one assembly change. They overheat and arc pretty good internally. But Toyota was only worried about helping customers out at first but might be another story since the vehicle can just die while driving down the road which isnt good for customer or Brand name.
Of all the Toyota dealerships in the world, ONE, with a lot full of Prius, is making a stink and demanding compensation from Toyota. Ever wonder why he kept buying Prius ? You draw conclusions. Mine is that he is engaged in a shake-down attempt.
anyone who actually read the article would not wonder - because the dealership didn't keep buying "them". His complaint about "them" was the affected models that he took in on trade in, not knowing about the issue till after the fact. But don't let that stop anyone from flinging blame. Sheesh. .
I'm surprised your scam meter is not ringing. Think about this for a moment. If these are trade-ins, they occurred for the most part 3-10 years after initial sale. And then he either sat on them until he discovered the terrible truth, or continued to accumulate cars afterwards. How else do you explain SEVENTY cars ?