F8TL has the ultimate tire buying guide thread. Michelin Energy Saver A/S is a top pick for 17" and the Michelin Primacy MXM4 Green X (for Low Rolling Resistance) for 15". The OEM Toyo tires are much more expensive for roughly the same performance. Michelin has had frequent rebates and "buy 3 & the 4th is $1" sales. The difference in fuel usage between LRR and other tires will cover the cost of the tires.
Michelin Defender XT is my personal choice, they will last longer, but your mileage will take a hit. Michelin Energy Saver A/S would be my second choice due to the maximized fuel efficiency. You should be able to purchase both tires at Costco locations around the country, they tend to have the best prices. Sometimes they have $70 rebate when you purchase 4 tires.
Bridgestone Ecopia EP20? Readily available at Costco and others. Pretty much ONLY available in 195/65R15. LRR (and they're not kidding, actually pretty good). Relatively cheap. And when there's coupons: Costco takes them off at the till, so money stays in your pocket and you pay less sales tax.
I have the EP20's, they came with my new car. At 33k miles now, looks like I have about 10k miles left. Tread depth indicator 6/32 at rear, 5/32 at the front and they have been rotated every 5k. I'll replace them at 2 to 3/32.
I have the original tires Yokohama's Avid. I like the tire for it's low noise and comfort. It us a LRR tire designed with the Prius in mind. I cannot speak for the others cause I gave not used them. Performance Tires | Yokohama Tire Corp.
I wish Bridgestone would release these tires for the USA before summer I need new summer tires and we liked the ep100 and they discontinued them.
Michelin Energy Saver A/S (All Season). Kept my mpg about the same as stock, is quieter than stock Yoko's, smoother ride, about the same handling. I bought my Prius to save on fuel, this thing already handles like crap but it doesn't matter to me as I go and turn slowly all the time. Perfect tires to replace stock.
Well, here it is 3 years later and I have 150k on the car and I'm looking for tires again. I went with the stock Ecopia EP 20 last time but I was wondering if anyone has found anything better. Mileage is my main concern, but price is a factor too. Thanks....
I would buy Bridgestone LR, I think when the deal (Costco) with Michelin is over, then should be one with Bridgestone (hope).
My car feels a bit nervous in high winds (2013 with original tires - ~40K miles). I LOVE the MXM4s I have on the Volvo, so I thought that they might be a good option. Mileage doesn't matter to me because the Prius already gets 51mpg, so a percent here or there won't matter. I want comfort, silence and handling.
For me, Michelins are overpriced and usually hard as a rock. I'm not enthralled with them as a brand. My 2014 has Bridgestone tires on it (Prius Five 17's), not sure if those are original or not? I would expect so since the car only has 23k on it (bought used).
Most of the best high MPG tires are weaker on the snow/ice rating, so that's the issue in the Northeast. EP20 may be exception but I wonder if those are available. You can go with the EP422 if you want to priortize MPG over snow/ice ratings.
I recommend Michelin Energysave A/S tires. I got 107,000 miles on them & about 54 mpg average. I had Michelin's plain Energysaver tires, & I didn't get very good mpg, only about 43. So be sure you get the A/S version.
Strange, that the "summer" version would drop the mpg, and so much, especially with the A/S version surely sacrificing some rolling resistance to gain for all-season traction. Makes you wonder if it's quality control or something.
Energy Saver vs Energy Saver A/S results in nearly a 10 mpg difference? That's a head scratcher for me. Either way, 107k mile is great on a set of tires.