My 2011 Three with 106,000 miles has suddenly revealed about half a dozen spots on the front part of the roof, near the windshield, with rust coming through the Blizzard Pearl. Wondering if this is a common occurrence. There's never been any crash damage to that part of the car, nor have I ever seen paint chips there. The rust appears to be coming from the inside, as if moisture got inside the sheet metal with no place to go (or evaporate).
The one caveat to that: cars can incur damage and be repaired when new. Unless it's changed, the usual new car bill of sale form up here states that damage up to 20% of retail price can have occurred without the need for the seller to disclose. Drifting off-topic, but: as far as I know, this is open for discussion, ie: you could stroke out 20% and put in $500 (for example), if the seller would be willing to agree to it, initial it. Barring that: 1. Parked outside? 2. How often waxed? 3. Sunroof model?
This happened last year to my 2012. Dealer inspected it and agreed with me that it was rusting underneath the paint since it was bubbling under the paint. Dealer repainted the entire roof under the warranty including the rental car they gave me while they were painting it. Very satisfied with the paint job and the dealer (Daytona Toyota's) handling of the whole affair. I'd go see your dealer and ask them to repaint the roof.
Further regarding the possibility of undisclosed repair: Inspect the rust closely, looking for sanding lines, evidence of repaint. And if primer is evident, is it the same color as original? Maybe you could scrape paint off a small spot in a back corner of the engine bay, to compare. Also check the top of windshield trim very carefully for possible overspray. It's not to say it's for sure due to previous repaint, but it's something to consider, especially when one area in particular starts mysteriously rusting out.
The car was bought new at a Toyota dealer. This dealer also runs its own body shop, so I'll have them take a look at it. 1. Yes. 2. Waxed at least six times a year, washed at least once a month. 3. No.
I can ask, but I'll have to foot the bill. Rust-through warranty is 60 months/unlimited miles. I bought it in October 2011.
All three of the fleet cars that I regularly deal with, including Goofy (mine) have rust issues on their roofs especially and in some other places, but those are likely buggy rash and other parking lot battle damage. Talk around the campfire is that all most our fleet cars that end in "ta" have paint/rust issues. They're all... 1. Bought new/Never garaged. 2.Yeah, right...... They're company cars. How often do people wash and wax rental cars? 3.Nope. My Takeaways (YMMV): 1. NEVER buy a used commercial vehicle. Nothing....NOTHING handles like a rental car! 2. Irony: Proof that GOD has a sense of humor. My beloved company, cheap as ever, bought BONE STOCK Priuses mostly in 2009 and 2010....but they had to pay extra for white, and this color seems especially prone to turn into Tennessee college football colors (white/orange.) 3. G2/G3 Priuses are very reliable cars mechanically if you can be bothered to check oil.....but their paint has some issues. My two vehicles (an 06 and an 09) have spent just as much if not more time out of doors as Goofy has, and there's zero paint flaking/rust issues.
This is the exact thing happening to my Prius. The rust marks are equal-distant from each other with 5 rust spots appearing along the top edge of the windshield. The glass was replaced due to a crack but the glass was removed and replaced using a suction mount so I doubt that was the cause. I'm guessing I should take this to a dealer for a repair? The Prius is going on 5.5 years with 78,000 miles and never wrecked. UGH and HELP!
They will (or should) sub the repair to an accredited body shop. It's not a bad idea to have a dealership look at it first, for a couple of reasons: 1. There may be a hidden warranty, who knows. 2. They likely work with some good body shops. Well hopefully. But ultimately it's up to you where the repairs are done. If you have a preferred body shop, and the've done good work, I'd use them. But again, do touch bases with dealership first.
Resurrecting an old thread. My prius is also Blizzard pearl white. I have also noticed rust coming from the top of my windshield. My Prius has always been parked in a garage when not in use.
Salted roads in the winter will destroy any car. Must be washed weekly to help deal with salt and rust.