Over here where it rains occasionally, the plate remain with the car for life. Unless you've purchased a personal number, in which case you have to pay again to transfer it to another car..... .. or sacrifice it!
In BC plate belongs to owner and a particular car. Any time car is sold it requires new plate, and old plate is surrendered to motor vehicle guys.
Interesting - here with a personal number, it's yours till you relinquish it. I think there is a small transfer fee to your new car. Mine is the number of my First car I bought 46 yrs ago. I bought the number again about 15 yrs ago when I got sick of memorising new numbers - it cost me $250 from memory. To buy a more distinct one eg "FERRARI" would cost upwards of hundreds of thousands to $1mill+. The world's most expensive licence plate (as at 5yrs ago) - "1" in Abu Dhabi sold in 2008 for $15 million).
The first thing I do when I get the new vehicle home is remove the dealer sticker(s) (this last time it was individual letters!) Usually if there is a dealer license plate frame I'll replace it with something else down the road. My reasoning is simple I don't get paid to advertise their dealership so I'm not letting my car do it for them.
I think that's the same here, but I meant it's possible to let your personalized plate go to the new keeper on the car. I could be wrong as I've never had a personalised number. Auto correction just allowed two ways of spelling personalised in the same sentence - I knew it wasn't just me screwing up!!!
Yes, to transfer to another car you pay an £80 transfer fee or you can put it on retention for as long as you like for a fee, then transfer it (no extra fee) when you are ready to use it again. When we moved my cherished plate from my previous Zoe to my Prius we were able to do it all online. You have 14 days from carrying out the transfer to have your new plates made up and fit them to your new car. Its a very slick process now and not the pain that it used to be.
If you are transfering, don't you just physically remove the plates from the old car and place them on the new one?
You still have to do the paperwork switch over DVLA, insurance etc, but yes if your plates are the same size and fitting holes in the same place, then you could could in theory use the same plates. The chances of the fitting holes being in the same place is very slim, plus in the UK, the Prius has an over sized rear number plate, but standard a standard sized front one, so on this occasion I had to have new plates made up.
I make the dealer remove their advertising before I will complete the final purchase paperwork. It’s a condition of the purchase.
When I bought my new 2000 Tundra I had them remove the dealer sticker and provide touch up paint so I could fix the paint damage.
Before i have signed my name on my last two Toyota bought papers, i have said that ”oh yeah one thing, i would like your logos and texts off the car, ok?” and they have removed them. Both times same dealer, last time there was little complain back that they would not like to remove them.
I always remove any sign of the dealer. This time I amplified my contempt.. My plates read: John L. Sullivan KISS MY AMPS
Mine's 52 cm x 11 cm, same size as front one, and looks same proportions as the Focus one in your picture.