All, I'm looking at purchasing the Prime Premier. Currently have an '06 Prius, and the hybrid battery went boom, so it's time for a replacement. I test drove it, and at highway speeds (60-70 Mph), I felt like there was some sort of weird air pressure vibration in the car. Similar to my 06 when one window in the back is down, you get this pressure vibration at about 3 Hz or so when the air pressure isn't in equilibrium. But in this case, the windows were already up. Has anyone else ever had this experience?
Only when just the back windows are cracked. I found cracking the front windows too a little canceled it. You might consider another, different Prime test drive and if the same symptom occurs, crack the front windows, 1-2 inches, to see if it goes away. Bob Wilson
kind of scary, wouldn't want to buy one sight unseen as many have here. no other reports of it though, iirc.
I do not have that problem so I have no direct experience to contribute. If someone within 150 miles of Huntsville AL has this problem, I’d be happy to do a house call. Bob Wilson
All, I ended up taking 4 test drives, and detected this same effect in most of the vehicles, though to a lesser degree on all the other ones as well. But to be honest - this could just be me. No need to go into details, but I have some ear issues, and any type of pressure change, like increasing or decreasing altitude on a plane causes me discomfort. Sucks gettin' old doesn't it? That being said, unfortunately, this has caused me to not consider purchasing the Prius Prime. If I buy this car, it will be something I own for a minimum of 8 years, if not longer. I can't really consider purchasing a vehicle that I don't feel really good about from the get go. Many thanks to everyone who answered this thread. Actually, many thanks to everyone who ever helped me out on this forum, it's been greatly appreciated, whether it was my own question, or just information I learned by lurking!
For the longest time I have been trying to figure out what the hyphen symbol meant in a forum message. I thought maybe it meant agreement, or maybe sort of a neutral response. Then recently someone posted yet another message with a hypen, then someone else replied telling them how to delete their message, or maybe it was how to request that it be deleted. I wondered why they were telling them that. Then the next day the "hypen" message was gone, replaced by a placeholder that just said "message deleted" So apparently all of the "hyphen" messages are people trying to delete their message, and since the forum software doesn't let you delete all of the text of your message people are typing a hyphen? If so I must have missed the memo on that one.
- (just kidding) So the option is to enter a hyphen, just as a convention, since the forum software requires at least one character of text, or to click the Report button and ask a moderator to delete the post.
Did the car you test drove happen to have the factory cross bars installed? Mine came with it and they are exceptionally noisy without an additional wind deflector. Took them off and the car is now super quiet.