I'm curious who's done the math using ECO mode? I personally hate driving in ECO mode unless maybe on the highway, which in that case it doesn't make much of a difference in engine performance or gas savings. I understand how ECO mode works; I'm more curious if anyone has seen a significant benefit in gas savings? Also it definitely seems to tax the HV battery a lot more -- so I wonder if that's a tradeoff? Driving in ECO mode is sooo unsatisfying. I could maybe justify it if drivers were reporting major gas savings. I'm not a heavy footed driver, but I do enjoy a nice pickup in my car. Especially coming from a turbo Mini Cooper.
As far as I know, the main thing it does is put the gas pedal in "passive aggressive" mode, ie: to get a half-decent reaction out of the gas pedal takes some real exercise. For me this got old fast, I find Normal mode (neither ECO or PWR) just fine, very linear. It also is purported to change the AC behavior a bit, and perhaps cruise control as well, but meh.
It definitely caps the top exertion of the air conditioner and blower; I was in Richmond, VA last summer and had to turn ECO off for the A/C to keep up. It also locks out the electric heat elements, so you get none of that boost to the heat while waiting for the coolant to warm up. Since learning that, I've been making a point of turning ECO off whenever I start the car and have to put on front defog to clear the windshield. I used to wonder why it was taking so long.... -Chap
aside from the a/c, it is just remapping the pedal. so there would be no way to scientifically measure mpg in each mode. an experienced prius driver can accomplish the same mpg's in any of the 3 modes, except for the limited hvac hit.
I found no discernible diff, fwiw. Used ECO pretty much solid for first six moths, not since. If anything, mpg improved, but just from getting the hang of it, different driving patterns, whatever.
I have had my prius for a few years and mostly have had it in ECO mode. Kept forgetting to try turning it off to help the HVAC when needed till once this winter and noticed significantly more heat. Left it off most of the winter without a noticeable difference in mileage. I am curious what mode in theory would be best when stealth camping and leaving the car in READY mode all night. Would one mode be better than the other?
hvac would be the only thing affected. but it wouldn't be any different than if you turned it down manually. heat and a/c require more engine run time.
I don't know how to be sure that it would or wouldn't. It locks out the electric elements, for example, which you don't otherwise have manual control over. I don't know whether its caps on compressor or blower rpm are quite equivalent to anything you can do at the controls, either. I think they're not: with ECO off, it will run the compressor at whatever power it thinks is needed to reach the temp setting you've entered. You could simulate the effect of a lower compressor power cap by paying close attention and fiddling your temp setting up and down as needed, but ECO will just enforce the cap while you leave the controls alone and do other things (or sleep). -Chap
I think it really depends on driving style. It’s actually kind of nice that they offer different pedal feels. I actually get a few MPG better in power mode, and as a bonus I’m not jerking myself backwards in the seat when I drive other cars either like if I get used to driving the Prius in eco or normal mode.
Ah. I thought you were saying "it wouldn't be any different than if you turned it down manually" and I was (verbosely?) pointing out some of the ways it's different. -Chap
The most compelling situation/advantage that power mode better for FE #s than eco when hauling heavy items in city limits with my gr/andpa style of driving. You get up to speed faster and coast distance is longer with weight momentum. The longer gradual time to get up to speed limit with ECO actually lowers my MPGs compa/red to power mode getting up to speed faster. If hauling 2 or more passengers and/or extr/a trunk weight, I pick power mode.
All I know is ECO is hard on my right leg muscles: takes an inordinate amount of pedal travel, way more than necessary. Reminds me of poorly designed software, with redundant/repetitive actions, that you always need to take.
ECO mode is sooo lethargic. Tried it once or twice, unimpressed, never used it again. I keep it in normal mode. No buttons to fuss.
This was my experience, too. Plus, I became that stereotypical Prius driver that pissed off the other drivers on the road for accelerating too slowly. I don't know how ECO users can keep up with traffic without putting the pedal to the metal. I'll try ECO again during the upcoming summer, combined with cruise control. If I can save a bit on AC without feeling much difference, I'll take it.
ROFL! It’s SO true though!! I was just telling my wife the other day how people genuinely have a hatred towards Prius drivers as a whole. No matter how fast I drive....They just hate me!