Didn't see a thread on this so I thought I would make a post. On another board I've seen posts from a few 2018 owners that the MFD now shows MPG greater then the 2017's maxed 199.9. Can anyone who owns one verify if this is the case or not? If so what are the odds that they may update the 2017 version to get rid of the 199.9 MPG cap?
The odds are slim to none. The only reason I could think of would be if there was some other reason to update that part of the software and adding that feature made Toyota's software version maintenance easier & less expensive. I cannot think of any other way Toyota could profit from making such a change.
No profit opportunity, but still opportunity. You can have the FOB updated, upon request. I did for the "open all windows" feature. Toyota updated the buttons on the steering-wheel in the past, providing a software update just for driver convenience.
I just looked at my Gen 4. I suspect it would need a different speedometer display, much like the early Gen 4 needed to switch to Km. there does not look like any space for a digit wider than 1.
I've been pinned on 199.9 per trip A on a tank of gas, so I just changed the ODO to total miles on car and voila 115.9 mpg for 4500 miles.
I have a ScanGauge2 and it seems to show the actual MPG. So the computer may have the info but only displays up to 199.9.
Diminishing returns... there simply isn't much benefit of values over 200 MPG, especially when margin-of-error is considered.
A valid point but it really depends on where you live. Out west I duobt there are many if any 2017's left, whereas here in the east you can have your pick of 2017's with any option or style you want. Made the 2017 choice a no brainer for me, but others may not have that option.
I've never really understood why anyone cares about the >199 mpg readout. When you're driving mixed EV/gas miles, it's pretty much meaningless, as it doesn't factor in the $$$'s/carbon contributed by the EV/charging component. The only time my mpg readout means anything is when I'm running in pure HV mode. If I reset the tripmeter, and run in HV mode, I get a true mpg indication. But I often forget to switch back to HV from default EV mode after a stop, and then my mpg calculation is toast. I really wish the HV/EV mode selector was persistent. Which is why I don't bother running Fuelly stats with my Prime - meaningless...