I am considering buying this car but when we test drove it today, the red triangle came up. The owner took the car to be scanned and here is the report. Can you tell from this report what's wrong with the car? Is there a lot wrong with this car that would prevent you from buying it? Thanks.
Welcome to PriusChat!! You should find a mechanic that knows and works on Toyota Hybrids, or even a Toyota dealer and have them scan the codes using 'Toyota Techstream'. Have you had a chance to review some of the vehicle history by registering the VIN at : Toyota Owners Official Web Site
That is the lamest scan I have seen in a while. 2 pages of vague, less than helpful info. Has the owner had it checked out out the dealership? If so there may be info in the Toyota owners database. You could scan it yourself if you invest in appprox $50-$75 in tools. If you assume bit is the HV battery, that will set you back $2500-$3500.
Why do you say the hybrid battery is 2500-3500$, they cost 1300-1500$, using a used battery is using a used battery.
I was quoting the price of a new battery since he is buying the car from anither party. I assume he would use it to negotiate. A new battery for $1200-$1500 is not going to last as long as a new one. Ever.
me too, but be careful. 'really wanting' something can lead to rash decisions. there are plenty of fish in the sea, all the best!
Toyota is selling NEW traction batteries for 1300-1500$, if they install they include a three year warranty, not a bad deal.
Can Do. What is this? This is a DIY kit to completely and fully replace your aging or dead Toyota Prius Hybrid Battery (a.k.a. Traction Battery) with brand new battery modules, bus-bars, battery wiring harness, and interconnects. You retain your original metal enclosure and hybrid ECU. Will this work with my Vehicle? This is meant for Generation-2 Toyota Prius vehicles, model years 2004 through 2009. We also have kits available for Generation-1 (2001-2003) and Generation-3 (2010-2015) available with request. These modules will work in any number of Toyota and other makes that use the same Panasonic battery design, but the wiring kit is specific to the Prius. With extra (and non-supported) DIY, you could potentially make it work with many more vehicles. Brand New Batteries Not a refurb or rebuild. These are brand new modules fresh out of the factory and have never been in a vehicle. ZERO miles driven. Superior Design Cylindrical cells, half the battery modules, and all the same functionality. Upgrade your Hybrid Pack today! Factory Warranty A 2 year or 25,000 mile warranty on the modules. Fleet vehicles included. How Much? For $1600 and approximately 4 hours of installation time, you will get a brand new hybrid battery backed by a 2-year or 25,000 mile warranty including fleet vehicles. There is nothing comparable out there. All other options that are not original Toyota Hybrid packs, are used modules. Some are refurbished and/or balanced to be better matched with one another, but they are still all used batteries from wrecked, salvaged, totaled, or other failed Prius vehicles. In contrast these batteries from NewPriusBatteries.comare brand new and never used. When you start driving on your new pack, it starts with zero miles on it, just like a brand new Prius from the factory. The Smarter Financial Investment Don't waste your money on refurbished or re-manufactured batteries. The only real solution to repair your Toyota Prius Hybrid Battery is to replace the entire pack. Anything else is a temporary band-aid, akin to playing the game whack-a-mole. Why spend the same money to put in used modules inside a refurbished pack instead of buying new modules? Doing the Math This battery is the smartest choice for any Toyota Prius needing a Hybrid Battery pack replacement. Prices listed below are what you will pay at the counter. In all cases except for our battery, you will be charged a core exchange fee, that you get back after they receive your old battery back in acceptable condition. Toyota dealerships are hesitant to sell the average consumer a hybrid battery over the parts counter, and most will refuse you service unless you get them to do the installation as well. All prices below are for the Toyota Prius Hybrid Battery Pack itself, no installation included. Most (All?) dealers will not install a re-manufactured or refurbished battery. Most independent shops will only install full units. Ours is a kit, and requires opening the battery to replace/swap components. Any hybrid battery rebuilder service in your area should be able to do this work. Prices vary greatly throughout the country and again depends on if you want it to be done in a shop or in your driveway. This is something you can do if you are careful around high voltage and handy with a wrench. Dorman Battery (Remanufactured) $2400 - These packs are assembled and tested by Dorman by using a large inventory of used modules. Careful pairing of used modules attempts to create a balanced pack, but the modules may be of any age with any amount of mileage on them. A used battery in a pretty case. $950 core charge included in price. $1450 total cost after core refund for a used pack Best Toyota Price (NEW) $3450 - This is a brand new Toyota battery, using genuine original parts ordered from a dealer without installation. If they will actually sell it to you over the counter, there are only a handful of dealers in the country that are willing to honour this price. $1350 core charge included in price $2100 total cost after core refund for a brand new pack from Toyota Normal Toyota Price (NEW) $3939 - This is a brand new Toyota battery, using genuine original parts ordered from a dealer without installation. If they will actually sell it to you over the counter, this is the average price you will be charged. $1350 core charge included in price $2589 total cost after core refund for a brand new pack from Toyota New Prius Batteries.com (NEW) $1600 - This is our brand new aftermarket battery, using brand new modules without installation. Individually serialized, lab tested, performance crafted. $0 core charge. There is NO core charge, you keep your original Toyota battery. $1600 total cost. That's it. Did we mention free shipping? No? Well free shipping within the continental USA. As you can see the standard Toyota battery is just under $2600 for the pack. This does not include installation costs and remember a new pack from Toyota still requires swapping some hardware from your old pack to your new pack, it is not a drop-in-replacement with zero effort. It takes the same effort to replace the HV pack for all of these and both Toyota and my solution require you opening the HV case and doing a little bit of work in there. The $2100 price is awesome for a new Toyota pack, but it is like a unicorn. Recently, I haven't seen anyone get that price outside of the local area of 2 or 3 places across the US. They will ship, but for a few hundred dollars. In contrast, this kit is $1600 with free shipping anywhere in the lower-48. Standard Installation Flow These kits are no more difficult to install than a standard battery swap. In fact, it is recommended to follow one of the many YouTube videos of how to disassemble your Prius to access the Hybrid Battery and to put it back together. Disassemble Prius to Access Hybrid Battery This involves removing the false floor, some interior plastic panels, and disconnecting the rear seats. All can be done with a socket wrench and a screw-driver. A power-drill is recommended with a socket attachment to make life easier. Average time for a first-time disassemble is roughly 1 hour. An experienced rebuilder can usually do this within 5-10 minutes. Remove Hybrid Battery from Vehicle This is a heavy part, it is best to have help. You will need to access the bottom of the pack, so it does need to be fully removed. It cannot be worked on in the car. Disassemble Original Hybrid Battery Remove the cover, remove the battery nuts, remove the bus bars, disconnect the venting, disconnect the temperature sensors, remove the tension bar, and end up with the shell of a battery. Since there is no core charge, you are welcome to keep your old modules or to sell them on eBay for others venturing to make refurbished used packs to help offset the cost of your brand new pack! Remember if you ever intend to extract a core exchange fee, you will need your original modules at this time. Assemble NewPriusBatteries.com Brand New Hybrid Traction Pack Line up your modules in serial order. Each of the 14 modules is marked from #1 through #14, and put them in order. Attach the bus-bars, battery nuts, and new wiring harness. Move battery to original enclosure. Attach temperature sensors via included clips. Attach modules from the bottom to the original battery enclosure. Complete the wiring, and put the cover back on the battery. That's it! Average time for a first install is about 1 hour if you are taking your time. Re-Install Hybrid Battery in Vehicle Again, this is a heavy part and it is best to have help. Carefully place the newly assembled battery back into the Prius. Reassemble the Prius Now it is time to put all the bolts, screws, and plastic panels that make up the rear of Prius back together. This may take an hour for a first time builder, again 5-10 minutes for an experienced installer. Complete Install Make sure to latch the orange safety interconnect back in-place (it can be tricky!) and READY the vehicle. If you have codes, it is best to clear them before driving. Your brand new battery is now installed and should be trouble free and worry free for a very long time. You also have the peace of mind that your brand new battery from NewPriusBatteries.com is fully warranted for 2 years or 25,000 miles, whichever comes first. In the unlikely event of a warranty replacement, we will send you a new battery module for you to install. Included in the Kit The NewPriusBatteries.com Prius Battery Kit requires some installation. If you are not comfortable working with high voltage DC, any hybrid battery installer local to your area should be able to provide the service for you, and the installer may contact us with any questions. 14 Cylindrical Battery Modules The life-blood of your Hybrid Battery Pack Bus-Bars and Nuts Solid metal bus-bars and nuts to connect the battery modules together and to the enclosure. Wiring Harness A new wiring harness to connect to each of the 14 modules, the safety interconnect, and the HV ECU. Mounting Screws To secure the battery modules to the original Toyota metal enclosure. Battery Module Spacers and Covers Orange and Black High Voltage plastic spacers to secure the battery modules and limit exposed high voltage connections. Temperature Sensor Mounts Three plastic clips that secure the original temperature sensors to the new battery modules Pics or it Didn't Happen
The price in the “How much” section states $1600 and this also looks like a non-Toyota battery. So where’s the $1300-1500 and also NEW Toyota battery you stated in post #9 . And if you say “haggle him down”, the @2k1Toaster kits are sold out through May, so I doubt that tactic would work. Thanks for the info.
Like ray says where’s the new TOYOTA BATTERY? Your showing the same cylindrical cells 2k is selling for $1600.
For me, only the NewPriusBatteries link in Lucifer's post failed with a 404 error. All others worked fine. The NewPriusBatteries link failed, because Lucifer posted it incorrectly, and will not find a website as posted. Try NewPriusBatteries.com.
Toyota is not selling their Original Equipment battery for $1,300. Before buying a car with error codes, especially the red triangle of death I suggest you get the codes read. Either do it yourself with an Elm Bluetooth OBDII code reader plus an Android phone/tablet and the Torque Pro app. Or go to a dealer or parts store and have the codes read.