The Left Lane Law simplifies these issues and allows officers to take appropriate enforcement action to enhance the flow of traffic." I really despise laws like this. They are very grey, leaving digression completely up to the officer at hand...which is the last thing we should be doing.
That is another one of the problems that I have to put up with driving in the right lane, cars driving below the speed limit. Actually the vast majority are only doing it momentarily, either slowing down for their exit, or failing to get up to speed prior to merging. Just yesterday I had to deal with someone ahead of me in the right lane who suddenly slowed down about 10 mph below the speed limit about a quarter mile ahead of their exit. Quite inconsiderate in my opinion, personally I don't slow down until I am on the exit ramp if safe to do so, for tighter ramps you may have to slow down just before exiting, but not a quarter mile! I think it's also inconsiderate when someone is merging and just through laziness I guess merges in front of you while going 10 mph below the speed limit so you have to slow down. A few seconds later after they get their "sea legs" they stomp on the gas and move into the faster lanes and disappear into the sunset. Then there are the people driving in the right lane who for no reason start slowing down (probably texting). If it looks like they are going to stay at that speed then I will pass them, if it's clear enough on the left that I can do so while still going the speed limit. So then I start passing them, but then they suddenly speed up and are now driving beside me! Meanwhile someone is behind me now, so I have to speed up to get past the car, but then they speed up some more! I think all of these people cause much more problems than just little ol' me steadily driving the speed limit in the right hand lane.
I agree, but that's the result of the choice that our society has made by choosing "mob rule" as Mendel called it. As Pogo once stated so eloquently, “We have met the enemy and he is us”
First off, I appreciate the reality of life on the roads, but: isn't there something absurd in that statement?
I may have worded it incorrectly, hopefully I didn't give the impression that I have a problem with someone driving slower than the speed limit in the right lane. More power to them. Or less power to them? Who I have a problem with are the people who spend 99.9% of their time on the freeway driving 20 mph over the speed limit, but then while entering or exiting will pull in front of someone and start driving slower than the speed limit.
Whiners gonna whine. Daily I go from a 60 mph road onto a small road with a minuscule turn lane. I signal my turn far in advance as I slow down. I am not going to endanger my safety to impress some whiner!
Fully agree in those situations. However I'm referring to the type of Interstate off-ramps that have long slow down areas, and which start out with an exit only lane several tenths of a mile long. You can quite safely move into the exit only lane at the speed limit, however people slow down to 45 mph while still in a traffic lane about a quarter of a mile prior to even the exit only lane. I'm not talking about slamming on the brakes just before the exit as that would be unsafe. But I even see people starting to slow down below the speed limit a half mile before their exit. Maybe these are all pilots and that is what they are used to doing. I'm surprised they don't put down their flaps a half-mile out.
Put a big ol NRA sticker on your Prius. the pick-ups will think you're one of them and give you room. (sorry, couldn't resist such a troll-bait post).