Hey there, I know that the prius isn't designed to tow anything big, so here's the question I have. Can I tow a light aluminum trailer that will carry lawn mowing equipment? That includes a light lawn mower, trimmer/weed eater, some bags for the grass clippings, and maybe a gallon of gas. The distance I'll be driving with the trailer is maybe a maximum of 5 miles, and it's all fairly flat landscaping/roads. I thought I could mow lawns on the side of driving for Uber, and thought I'd ask here for advice. If there is another thread out there with information to this, please post it so I can save people's time. Thanks for your time in viewing and maybe replying! Stay safe out there!
i use mine for doing the same as you want too.. everything weighs in under 800 pounds and i have not noticed a difference except the mpg drops when towing.. i go from 48 to 41.. has to do with wind drag i guess
Hi. Welcome to Prius Chat. In USA the Prius isn't specified for towing at all, but if you did you would probably be invalidating the terms of your insurance. That's only likely to impact if you were in an accident while towing of course. I can remember reading plenty of threads with discussions on the subject of towing, but can't find them right now, but here's one you could think about.... Prius as a Tow Car | PriusChat Good luck.
You can and it won't invalidate you insurance policy...State Farm at least. Involved in a "no fault" with another vehicle while pulling a 5x9 U-Haul open with ramp...covered.
The claim was paid. FWIW, Class I and II hitches work just fine on GEN III. OP's 2007 GEN II might want to stick with Class I though because of the smaller engine. Toyota Prius Trailer Hitch | etrailer.com Torklift Central | Search results for: 'prius'
I accept that they paid you, but we're they aware you were towing using a vehicle not approved by the manufacturer for towinga trailer? Seems to me that you were the lucky exception to the invalid claim rule (?) rather than the general example in such cases.
They were made 100% aware on the initial and the later recorded "official" statement...including photos and receipts. I suggest there is a difference between what Toyota's "recommends" and vehicle code laws here as it relates to Class I & II towing specifically.