Almost 1.5 weeks from Wednesday, 28th of February, I was driving down the highway and the anti-skid light, the brake light and abs light lit up the dashboard on my 2010 Prius. Thank God the heavy traffic had thinned out considerably when this happened. I had very little to no brakes!!!! I coasted to side of the highway. Freaked out about this still. I could have very well smacked into somebody at 65. I have approximately 222K miles on my Prius now. The car has been towed to Toyota dealership to look at. That night they called me. At first look they said nothing was wrong with the car. Seriously, I asked them check it out again. This time they said it was the master cylinder that failed. The part and labor is going to cost approximately $3300 to fix. The dealership has not been able to locate the part anywhere. I've even sent email to Toyota today to see if they can create one and ship to dealership. The parts are: TO47050-47090 TO44785-02060 Can someone point me in the right direction? Where i can buy these parts? I love the car. I cannot buy a new car right now.
Welcome to Prius Chat . I would get a second opinion . Where in the great state of Texas are you located? Good luck and keep us posted .
For 47050-47090, $1676: Cylinder Assembly Brake - Toyota (47050-47090) | Toyota Parts (I commenced a checkout on the above, and it didn't complain, seems like it's in stock. Enter your address and see what it comes up with for shipping.) And the gasket 44785-02060, $3.30: Booster Assembly Gasket - Toyota (44785-02060) | Toyota Parts Did they break it down (excuse the pun), how much was labour? Watch @NutzAboutBolts spark plug change video in the 3rd gen maintenance sub-forum (pinned at the top), for an idea of the access complexity; you would need to similar removal. That reminds me of one time, with a previous car, I had a cracked brake rotor. The car sounded like it had a broken back every time you used the brakes, and I'd pulled a wheel and seen it. Anyway, got it in, and an hour later I got the call, that the car was ready, and there had been nothing wrong. I politely told them to look again...
Just curious as to whether you tried the emergency brake? Though I once had a rear drum brake piston come out and lost all hydraulic fluid on an old Ford Falcon; it must have been before the diagonal split hydraulic systems were implemented, 'cause I lost all braking. Problem was the fluid spewing in the brake drum got all over the brake shoes, on the side where the emergency brake cable was, so I had no emergency braking either. This happened as I was approaching a Thruway toll booth entrance - I rolled through at about 30mph, grabbing the toll ticket from the startled attendant's hand. Then rolled to a stop. Very lucky there was no line of cars in front of me. Had to get my Dad to tow me home, which was an adventure without brakes (lots of downshifting - fortunately it was all highway and no stoplights to get home). The fact I had just replaced the brake shoes myself I'm sure had nothing to do with the failure .
I’d ask the dealer for the trouble codes, then seek out another shop (look for some hybrid specialists in the area). Try yelp or other outlets and see what they say. Techstream would be your friend in the case, as there will be specific codes that will be displayed. You can try the obd2 connector with a wire and the codes can be “blinked” out. Good luck and keep us posted .
Wow,, Happy. That had to be .....a bad moment. So glad to read your OK! LoL, fneil. Spit coffee. (As I too have that particular T-shirt)
Oh, forgot to say but big-time second the second opinion, opinion. Crazy expensive. I paid 5k for my 2010. Can't imagine how distressing that repair estimate is on ya. ☹️ Not for this, particularly. But I have had great luck finding parts at salvage yards. But if it crashed once. Not sure I'd trust brake components from a wreck.
$3300 to fix a bad master cylinder, after the first time they found nothing...? I'd have my car out of there as soon as possible. Glad you're OK after the incident. Now you need to survive ruthless, unscrupulous dealers and auto service people. Good luck and keep us posted.
That's a really great point, Kenny. Did not occur to me but true. From nutton, to; "Oh, oh. That's your problem. Your.....,,....,.$3,300"
I'm also curious if you tried the parking brake. I haven't tried it in the Prius but my Camry Hybrid had a conventional PRNDL so it was possible to select reverse at any speed and use the accelerator as a brake. Unfortunately, it only worked at fairly low speeds. In the 90s I drove a fully electric pickup in which this mode could be used at any speed. That was great fun. Sorry to threadjack. Keep us posted.