I'm not sure if anyone has really done this, but if you drove your Prius Prime as hard as possible, while still plugging in at night or during the day, what kind of mpg would you get? I'm sure most are breaking records using gas as little as possible, but I'm wondering what people are getting on the other end of the spectrum. Cheers!
Easy: reset the trip meter when the engine first starts drive as slow as possible for 1-2 minutes report your engine warm-up MPG For example this winter I misjudged my remaining charge and the engine started its warm-up about 1/2 mile from home. So I reset the trip meter and soon turned into our 25 mph posted neighborhood. The first tripmeter update was ~36 MPG and the one at the driveway ~45 MPG. Many years ago, Top Gear did a stunt where a BMW followed at race driver in a Prius and only got ~17 MPG. So I went to one of my benchmark routes and knowing the Prius control laws, I remember getting ~12 MPG. Bob Wilson
Depends, If you drive all EV only miles the car will show your MPG as 199.9 no matter how hard you drive it. ( twin screw towing a triple, barefoot in the snow over donner ) Donner Pass - Wikipedia I suspect driving a prius up a steep, snowy and cold mountain pass, in charge mode at 65 mph might be one of them - "OPpppp" Homer S
Our previous Civic Hybrid spent about a month in a collision shop, and when we got it back the liters/100 km display was at 29, translates to 8 mpg US.
Reset the odometer, then go in for a smog check as the engine idles for a while on the service bay...
You don't even need to sit in it... I guess I'm missing the point here..It's easy to contrive near-zero MPG cases... It's easy to get crappy mileage going up a hill (Anyone in Colorado want to reset their trip meter before climbing pikes peak?) But hills are only so long and eventually you go down.
I'm not saying create a situation for worst mpg, im saying, if you drove the car hard with no regard to mpg, what does that end up as at the end of the day? Can the Prius get 55mpg around town in stop and go?
In my experience with several generation of Prii, it's very hard to get a tankful below the 30's...It would not be hard to average in the 40's with poor driving habits and poor driving conditions. I'm sure if you truly don't care about MPG (which doesn't seem to be the case since you are asking) then you could push the car below 30mpg average by flooring it between stoplights...
Last July I drove from Massachusetts to Arkansas in 2 days, averaging 71 miles per hour. It was in the 90's all the way down, air conditioner in use. I left with a full charge. When I was on the highway, I put the car in HV & charge mode. When ever I left the highway, I used EV mode. I got 53 mpg jp