Pre-Collision System question

Discussion in 'Prime Main Forum (2017-2022)' started by LadyPrius, Feb 14, 2018.

  1. LadyPrius

    LadyPrius Junior Member

    Aug 21, 2013
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium
    Well, I read the Pre-Collision System.... info in the manual pgs 373 to 379 and I have a Prius Prime Premium. This looks like a very nice feature however to be honest it is something I would not trust based on 'Conditions under which the system may operate even if there is no possibility of collision' (pg 375). It lists 5 pages of conditions where it may activate when it should not. The question I have is, if I don't want it to stop because I am turning on a curve even though it sees a car parked in from of me when I am turning. How does this work? And please don't tell me to test it.
    This would cause a bit of confusion on my part if anything. Any thoughts?

    One more thing, the radar and camera sensors are another thing you need to make sure they are clean, direct sun issue, etc.

    Thank you
  2. davecook89t

    davecook89t Senior Member

    May 10, 2016
    Washington State, Florida
    2017 Prius
    Four Touring
    Is the car a recent purchase? I am guessing that you have not put enough miles on it yet to have any confidence that the system will only engage when necessary. Of course no system is fool-proof, but the fact that insurance companies will give you a discount for having the system tells me that it prevents more accidents than it causes. I am a frequent browser of this site and I do not recall anyone having described an instance when the system went into emergency braking mode unnecessarily. I have only seen the red "BRAKE!" alarm once on my car. At that time, I came close to rear-ending someone, but was braking hard on my own and may have avoided the accident anyway without assistance from the car. As an enthusiastic user of Adaptive Cruise Control, however, I have on several occasions been caught by surprise when that system slowed me down too abruptly for my liking when the car ahead was preparing to turn off the freeway and decelerating at a rapid rate. In my experience, that scenario might be more likely to result in an accident, but I still like the other features of the ACC well enough that I continue to use it.
  3. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    If you're steady on the throttle, it should recognise it.

    There are a few false positives with my older Gen 3 PCS system but it has never auto-braked. The worst it has done is flash the "BRAKE!" sign very briefly (1 second maybe?) and tighten the front seatbelt before it realised it was fine.

    Also, it is tied to your steering wheel angle.

    e.g. there's a bridge I cross that has 4 lanes - two lanes go straight, two lanes veer to the right and will end up in a parallel road. Obviously where they split, there's the metal sign signalling that the road splits. Occasionally if I'm late to start turning with the lane, it will detect that metal sign. Most of the time, it doesn't because even though I'm hurling towards it, I am turning early enough to avoid triggering the system.

    Another situation I've seen is on a small residential street where you have cars coming toward you and you have to pull to the curbside on the next opening. Only twice has it indicated "BRAKE!" because I was driving straight towards the oncoming car (the other driver is waiting for me to pull aside near him/her).
    davecook89t likes this.
  4. Rieuk

    Rieuk Member

    Feb 1, 2018
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium
    Wait, what? Which companies will give you a discount for this? Do they automatically know whether you have this system or not based on the VIN? I have the PPP as well, wondering if I should call up my insurance company and tell them I have it..
  5. David Beale

    David Beale Senior Member

    Jul 24, 2006
    Edmonton Alberta
    2012 Prius
    My experience with the 3rd gen system (not a good as the 4th gen one) is if it starts to slow you just press the accelerator and it cancels the panic. Try it and see if it works the same on the 4th gen. Though there are two systems here, the cruise control and the PCS system. Maybe I should turn PCS back on to gain experience with it. I turned it off shortly after getting the car because according to the owners manual it is not very reliable, as it uses radar data only. The 4th gen also uses the camera to confirm danger.
  6. davecook89t

    davecook89t Senior Member

    May 10, 2016
    Washington State, Florida
    2017 Prius
    Four Touring
    I looked at the policy for our car and I don't see any discount that is specifically attributable to the car having an Emergency Braking System. When I was talking to the insurance company's rep, I remember she had mentioned that my premium would be lower since the car had standard safety features that the older models did not. It is possible that this is merely a talking point that is part of her sales spiel, given what I read in the following article:

    INSURANCE: New Safety Equipment Could Raise Your Premiums, Here's Why | BestRide

    In the Discounts Applied section of our policy (screen shot attached), I do see a line for "New Vehicle" and another one for "Hybrid Vehicle". These "discounts" might be calculated based on the make and model having certain standard safety equipment (but then again, it might be part of their strategy for enticing new customers, since amounts for each discount are not shown). In general, I am satisfied with what I am paying for the level of coverage I have from this particular company. If you are interested in knowing the company name, I can send a private message.

    Attached Files:

  7. LadyPrius

    LadyPrius Junior Member

    Aug 21, 2013
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium
    Thank you all, this was very informative and since I have driven this brand new car for only 1 month I have not experienced the safety features. Will see how it goes as time goes on. :unsure:
    davecook89t likes this.