Hi guys, recently I have done my second version Prius HV battery tester. Past couple years I have dome 30+ battery repair, first two years with BS6 battery testers (to much time consuming) then I invent my first battery tester and it was good and fast (4-7 days) but as it was designed to reconnect each block after finished testing cycle and some blocs are finished during night I have wasted time, so I upgraded this tester to my fully automated tester which handle whole battery with one click. For now you can found some pictures and additional info on my blog pejinasvastara.blogspot and some on MHH forum mhhauto
Hi...i am a new user here. Does anyone know if there is a battery tester available for the dji phantom 3 batteries. I would like to check condition as well as cell voltage and overall voltage with out having to put into the copter and boot everything up.
Well, I have done some modifications in software and some on hardware, it is operational. Not ready for sale yet.
Yeah, those chargers can be found at any local hobby shop. Will allow you to check your voltage, charge & balance cells. Check places like Tower Hobbies, HobbyKing, HobbyTown or visit a local AMA flying site (RC Airplane field). Most clubs have swap meets and these can often be found on the cheap. Might even visit the AMA website to find that flying field - and a few other drone flyers. (AMA= Academy of Model Aeronautics)