My son has 2013 Prius C three, that he bought brand new. He works full time and goes to school part time. don't get much time to work on his car because of his schedule. This is the problem: When he goes to lock or unlock his car the passgener and driver side doors will not open with or without the remote. Any suggustion?
Has the key battery been replaced? Back when I had a 2013 Prius c 3, I needed a replacement in late 2016-early 2017, but wait for more Prius c owners to chime in with their feedback (by the way, this is the Prime forum so let's see if a mod can get this moved). In the meantime, try to use the metal stick key (the actual key, or fob), that is stored inside of what you think of as the "car key" with the lock/unlock buttons on it, and take the fob and use it on the driver side door lock to lock the doors.
Door lock actuator... this is a common issue with the Prius C. Do a search, there's a thread where we give part numbers for replacement parts with 10 year warranties. You'll have to spend the hour to do it yourself for around $50, but if you take it to the dealer, they will charge you $200 for just the part.
To test my theory, sit in the car and press the lock button on the door. If I'm right, both drivers and passenger doors will still not lock or unlock, depending on which button you push.
This is likely the issue and it’s a common problem. Just purchased a used 2014 Prius C Trim 2 and same thing happened. Bought refurbished actuators off eBay (be sure to buy the proper ones) & found a mechanic to install. Total for both front doors was about $350. If you’re doing the install yourself, the driver side door can be tricky.
I did both doors myself. Took about an hour each and was $85 total. Best part, the replacement parts had 10 year warranties on them.
Can anyone provide a link or part number of the actuators used to fix this problem? I have a 2012 prius c model one. The remote does not unlock/lock, same with the door panel unlock/lock switches. It is interesting that if I sit in the car and double-press the unlock button on the key, both left and right lights flash twice simultaneously (like it is being unlocked), however nothing mechanically happens. The same does not happen when the lock button is pressed. Any ideas? *EDIT* It does not lock/unlock ANY of the doors. Would the replacement of just the driver's side actuator resolve the issue for all doors?
This sounds like you have a different issue. When I pressed the lock button (or unlock), it would attempt to do as told, however, whichever door had the actuator issue just would not lock/unlock. A quick search on priuschat found a few actuator threads. Driver Power Door Lock Actuator Failed at 55k Miles | Page 2 | PriusChat This one has a link to the passenger side that I posted. Price has gone up a little, but this website has what you're looking for, depending on which is having an issue. Door Lock Actuator & Integrated Latch Front Passenger Side - AM-22270643 at AM Autoparts
Yep, not sure what could have caused it. I bought it a couple of weeks ago and it has always had this problem. I checked the fuses, but no issues there... It must be some sort of relay issue that is shared in the circuit of both the remote and door lock/unlock swiches. Side note: it has 154k+ miles. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
My apologies I been out sick. My son car now is experience more issue with the powder door locks. Using his smart remote he can't open or lock his driver door. The other doors are doing the same. The driver side passenger door occasionally will lock or unlock. I'm thinking it is a program issuse. Any ideas?
Actuators... it's a known issue with Toyota/Lexus cars. Do a quick search on this forum and you'll find many threads about it.
How did you manage to take the actuator out of the front driver side door? I couldn’t take it out because it seemed stuck behind the window frame that runs through the door.
There is a rubber grommet in the side of the door. You have to remove that and it disconnects the bar that runs up to the unlock sensor on the outside of the door. It was a very very tight fit otherwise.
Toyota Lexus Scion Front Driver Side Door Lock Actuator & Integrated Latch AM Autoparts - AM-42488458 at AM Autoparts - Drivers side. Toyota Lexus Front Passenger Side Door Lock Actuator & Integrated Latch AM Autoparts - AM-22270643 at AM Autoparts - Passenger side. I know it doesn't include Prius C, but it fits. This is what I used.