I just noticed this problem a few days ago when my window shield kept fogging despite having the defrost on for a long time. I put my hand up to check and no air is coming out in front of the windshield. I checked the in cabin air filter behind the glove box but it seemed pretty clean. I shook it out and replaced it and I still have no air. My other vents seem to be working okay, and the car will heat, just not the defogger. I hear the mechanism when switching modes but nothing comes out from underneath the windshield. Any ideas that I can try to fix myself? I'm not looking forward to having to take it in for this. I live in the upper Midwest so this feature is a killer. Thanks.
is this when you press the front defrost button, or when you switch the vent to defrost/floor position?
Yeah, does either of those work? Maybe somewhere in the mishmash of the attachment, H/V excerpt from Repair Manual, you can find some clues.
I'm not sure the difference. I usually just press the front defrost button to defrost the windshield. But neither option triggers the vents underneath the windshield to blow air.