Hi. i have a 2007 Prius, package 6. It's always worked great, can't complain. i bought it in 2009 with 27,000 miles on it from the original owner. i got the extended Platinum warranty from Troy, it expires next month. I have always started the car by pressing the start button with my foot on the gas pedal. My key fob is in my pocket, i don't put it in the ignition key slot. I lock the car by pushing the button in the door handle from the outside. I unlock it by putting my hand on the door handle and pulling on it. My keys are always in my front pocket with nothing else in the pocket. Yesterday, when i got in the car and pushed the ignition button, i got the symbol of a red key flashing with a line through it, seeming to be telling me i was trying to start the car without the key. I got my key out of my pocket and waved it around, and then the car started in the normal way, by pushing the ignition button, i put my keys back in my pocket. i went out, came back, everything seemed normal. Today when i got in the car and pushed the ignition button, i got the flashing red key symbol (and beeping sound) again. I got my keys out of my pocket and waved them in front of the dashboard but it was no help. The car would not start. I put the fob in the ignition slot and the car then started. I went to my location, turned the car off, tried to turn it back on without the key in it but it still had the flashing beeping key picture on the otherwise dark dashboard. I tried to lock the car by pushing on the door handle button but there was no response. I opened the door and used the button on the inside of the door to lock the car and closed the door. i used the valet key, taking it out of the fob and using it to reopen the door. Pushing on the lock/unlock buttons on the fob had no effect. When i got home, the car still would not respond wirelessly to the key fob. I got my spare key fob from the house and tried using it to start the car wirelessly. It had no effect. I searched this forum and read about the button under the steering wheel. I went back to the car to search for the button. I saw the button, labeled with the word 'Key.' But before touching it, i tried starting the car keylessly again, pushing the ignition button. It started normally. Everything worked normally, lock/unlock, ignition. Key fob not inserted into the slot. I decided not to do anything with the under steering wheel button. I would like to ask whether this sounds like there is nothing wrong with the key fobs but there is some problem with the car internally. I will need to take it in to the dealer to have it diagnosed and repaired, but i want to be prepared for that, with knowledge about possible causes of this problem, and what the car might need. i read on other posts on this subject that there could be a problem with the car battery. Are there ways i can test that, by trying other things that would be affected by the battery, if the symptom comes back again? If there's an internal defect causing the problem rather than problem with the fob/s, would any of the causes be warranty repairs? The car currently has about 67,000 miles on it. thanks
I had the same problem last week until I switched the batteries on my fob key. I also tried the spare, but that battery also need to be replaced as it was 7 years old. Once replaced, the car started without putting the key in, and the doors would lock, and open. Replacement batteries that fit the key can be purchased at wal mart, walgreens, or other electronic depts. If you look up fob key battery replacement on this website you'll find instruction on how to open the key to replace batteries.
Have you replaced the battery in the two key fobs? If not, it might be time to change it (given that the car is 6-7 years old, the fob battery is probably just as old and if so, that's incredible. Mine was dead by Year 4). In the meantime, if you have a fob with low battery, you can start the car by doing the following: 1. Place the fob with the Toyota logo (so the backside of the fob) against the POWER button 2. Press the brake pedal and push the POWER button to start. That's the way to start the car with a low battery fob (rather than waving the fob around )
Thanks. i hope that will solve it. I will get batteries tomorrow. i searched how to install the batteries but didn't find instructions. i found some useful information posted by people who discovered tricks for getting the cover off which apparently can be difficult, needing to use force and a small screwdriver, and a link was posted to instructions to install the battery, but the link just took me to the prius chat discussion forum menu (menu of all the forums). I found numerous you tube videos demonstrating the operation. I am thinking that i will go to the dealer and talk to my service manager and ask if they can install the batteries and make sure the SKS is synced up or whatever, some people reported problems with the car not responding to the new battery. Anyway, i have had nothing but good experiences with this dealer and with this service advisor in particular, good guy, i hope he can take care of it. i know i'll pay a lot more for the batteries but i need to get it taken care of before Friday so it's a little too late for Amazon. I'll stock up for next time. i don't think they will charge me for anything but the batteries. haha, putting the fob against the power button worked great. yeah.
good news and bad news, i went to the dealer service department today. When i went to my car to start it up to go over there, it started normally, keyless ignition. It was not working for two days. During that two days, it did work briefly once. Then it was gone again, it was gone for most of the last two days. Today it pulled the old "no symptom when you go to the mechanic" trick. The service guy looked at my two fobs and said the batteries were not low because the little red lights didn't come on. If i did need batteries, the parts department guy would install them, but he said i didn't need them. He was skeptical that there was anything wrong with the car, since it was acting normal. He said if you have two fobs together when you're in the car, they can cancel each other out. i had to emphasize that when the problem started, i only had one fob with me. i only had two after i went to test the second one. So he said "maybe it was a fluke." The bad news for me is that there is reason to fear the car has a problem with the keyless communication with the fobs and it's something intermittent and he said those repairs could be expensive. He said they are covered by my warranty, but my warranty expires on 12/14/13. I fear the car won't do the symptom until after that. Hopefully not, hopefully it will keep happening before the warranty expires. I am just sorry that replacing the batteries wasn't the clearly obvious solution. He said it was unlikely that both batteries would go out at the same time, even though they're old. He wasn't saying it couldn't happen but that as an explanation of the symptom, it wasn't as plausible as something wrong with the keyless system. But he thought the most plausible explanation was "fluke." He said if it does the symptom again, to bring it to him right away, "even if it's only one time." i think i should bring it back before the warranty expires regardless because it's already done it more than one time in the past couple of days. I do realize that if the batteries are getting low, that could cause intermittent failure and i am going to have them replaced anyway, but i am nervous about this issue and my expiring warranty. i would have felt better if the car was still doing the symptom when i started it up to go to the mechanic and the little red lights showed that the batteries were low, and i replaced the batteries and the car acted fine again. Instead it's ambiguous on the precipice of the warranty expiration.
Just replace the batteries in the fob. That is obviously the problem. I think placing the fob in the slot in the dash gives the fob battery some surface charge, enough to make smart key work a few more times.
Long story short. No red light on keyfob, pretty obvious that the CR2032 battery in the keyfob is very weak or dead. Go to a place that sells the battery and buy a couple of them. They can be purchased at your local drugstore, auto parts house, battery shops, and jewelers. It is a common battery. Be sure to get a lithium one. If the tech is telling you that because the red light is not on, the battery is fine he doesn't know what he is talking about. Every time you push one of the buttons on the fob, the red light should come on. Once you replace the batteries in the key fob's then test them to see that your problem has disappeared permanently. If you ever get in a situation where the key fob will not work, you can still use the mechanical key to open the door. After that put the key fob in the slot of the car. You can then enter "Ready" mode and go on about your business. Putting the fob in the slot on a Gen II Prius does NOT charge the fob. On a Gen III the fob can pickup a little charge if you hold it in front of the start button, but a Gen II Prius is not equipped to do that. Like I said, long story short. Change the key fob batteries. Hope this helps you. Instructions can be found on page 36 and page 37 of the pdf file found here. http://john1701a.com/prius/documents/Prius_User-Guide_iconic.pdf
where exactly is the little red light on the fob that lights up briefly when the battery has life in it?
If you hold the key fob whereas the lock - unlock buttons are away from you, the little red light will be in the upper right hand corner. When you push one of the two buttons, the light should flash red for a short time.
I have a 2009 prius and noticed that the key fob did not work. I have replaced the battery 3 times and the car would start for a few times with the keyless ignition. But then the keyless ignition does not work and the key just starts with the key in the slot. When I tried to use the keyless ignition, the dashboard was black Today I noticed that while I was driving that there was a gold key symbol with the vertical line through it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Jon Yoshimine
This means that the car believes the key fob is not in the car. It could be the batteries you tried are defective (you don't need a battery in the fob for it to work in the slot). Does the red light flash when you press (and hold) either the lock or unlock buttons? Does the remote lock and unlock (i. e. pressing the lock/unlock buttons on the remote) work? Do you have the other key fob to try if that works differently? Lastly, it could be the interior aerial or receiver (located behind the rear drink cup holder) has become defective.
What dolj said. If it ends up being faulty key fob it is probably worth fixing the fob as it’s very expensive to get new key to Prius if you don’t have any working key. You do only have that fob?