Wish me luck folks. I'm going to get the Advanced trim this weekend. Haven't even seen one yet. Live in Iowa and no one has one in stock. Driving to Omaha to buy. Are the Toyo Nanoenergy tires ok? Should I ask the dealer to put Michelin? This chat forum is what gave me the courage to buy a new car without even seeing one. Thanks
Congrats. The tires that come with the car will give you the mileage that is advertised. They'll wear out soon enough. IMHO - buy new tires then.
If the dealer will credit you anything toward michelins definitly take the offer, my toyos were punctured by a round rock in the middle of the tread on day three, i immediatly went with defenders.
Welsome & congrats! @HPrimeAdvanced changed his tires, IIRC. Hopefully he will post his experiences here. I am am not sure about the Prime, but I know the Gen 4 Prius comes with a variety of OEM tires, probably depending on factory stock at the time.I have Bridgestone Ecopia 442 Plus Japanese tires, for instance. There are other Prime owners here from Nebraska such as @huskers . It is helpful to list the state in your user profile so we can provide (slightly) more intelligent suggestions here.
I somehow got into this area by accident; I tend to hover in the Main Prime 2017 and Current area. At approximately 6,000 miles got RR flat on my Nanocrapper tire (you can tell, I really like 'em!). Tire was destroyed; local Toyota dealer put new mismatched Goodyear tire on for $140, telling me it was a Bridgestone (I'm SO trusting!) Got ticked off, finally, went to America's Tire (Discount Tire in some states) where they gave me $50 credit for the pseudo-Bridgestone (50 miles on it), and $35/each for the surviving Nanocrappers. The new Michelin Defenders were $432 installed with warranty, but America's Tire also had a $100 rebate on these tires, so were pretty damn cheap!! I later purchased a $350 Donut Wheel and Tire which they temporarily mounted on my car for me to test drive on the parking lot. I got the specs for the wheel and tire from Mr. Husker's post. Thank you, sir!! Of course about a month later, I got a slow leak flat on one of my Michelins hahaha!! First time ever! Fortunately I discovered it at my house, which is close to the America's Tire Dealer. They were able to fix the flat for free. Note: even if you don't buy tires from America's Tire, they will rotate and balance the tires for you for free! This is very useful at 5000 mile intervals; you don't need to pay Toyota after the 25K free service period. NOTE TO TOYOTA MONITORS: The tiny little icon warning of low tire pressure is nearly invisible on busy dashboard display, and needs to be accompanied by a loud audio tone and/or Big Red Flashing warning like the BRAKE WARNING. Remember folks, you ain't got no damn spare tire!!! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Well it sounds like a Gen4 Conclave!! What do I know; I'm just old and I've changed my name to Zheimer, Mr. Al Zheimer!! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
We allow you guys in our Gen 4 forum... I did not know this was an exclusive club. Does that mean the OP is excluded too because they are not yet a Prime owner?
Not to worry, purchase intent, coupled with actual timely purchase will allow candidate to participate. Caution, violation of this accord will lead to SEVERE penalties!! BTW, no peasants allowed!! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Yessiree Bob!! Har, har! Hey I'm still looking for the Prius Prime Superleggera Coupe Forum!! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Welcome to the forum and good luck. Others will disagree but I like my Toyo's with 7,400 miles and no issues. You'll always hear louder comments from those that dislike something rather than from the silent majority that do like something. Unless you get a good deal swapping, keep them, and swap later when they wear out. Swapping is going to cost you money.
What you're proposing is to buy some tires from the dealership, nothing more. It will cost, likely more than other tire retailers. There's no advantage to doing this at the time of purchase; at the least try the tires the car comes with, whatever they are.
Where are you from in Iowa and which dealership in Omaha did you find your Prime from? I got mine from Corwin Toyota in Bellevue, NE. You are going to love the car. EV will get better as it warms up. This weekend does not sound fun. Garage it. OH, CONGRATS !!!!!! PRIME ON. PS - let us know how your dealership experience was.
Yes, it is Corwin. I'm giving up my gas guzzling Infiniti. Thank you. I am going to try and see if I can get the Michelin. Driving from Des Moines. I hope the car is decent to drive in light snow conditions.
Corwin Toyota was good to me. Casey Sautter was the salesman I dealt with. Since I was there last they have moved into their brand new location/store. Good luck. Damn ground hog saw its shadow this morning.