None of the nasal masks worked because I would open my mouth while asleep. So I ordered via eBay a full size mask that fits under the chin. Even now, I buy my masks and liners via eBay for less than half the cost of medical suppliers. One power outage is not so bad but I also have a dental fixture, a type of mouth guard, that I've used for short trips. I did not want to risk a $1,000 CPAP machine in airline luggage. For 10 years, I used a 1kW 12V-to-110VAC inverter in our Gen-1 for emergency power ... enough for the heater fan or a window AC. But now we have a natural gas powered, automated 16kW generator. This provides enough power to recharge our plug-in hybrids. Bob Wilson Organic melatonin, your pituitary glad may not be happy at the moment and needs assistance. Take off the digital watch, get everything digital away from the sleep center.
I'll second the recommendation for melatonin. But you need to take a significant dose. They vary from 0.5 mg to 20 mg. Personally I take 10 mg in the evening, and I rarely have any trouble sleeping, or feeling refreshed in the morning. I used to take 1 or 2 mg "when I needed it", which sort of worked, but not really that well. Now with regular use, I occasionally miss taking it and sleep still happens normally. The dose-response relationship is not linear. If 1 mg puts you to sleep, 10 mg doesn't bomb you out 10 times as much. It seems to be a nutrient rather than a knockout, and if there's enough around, you don't miss an occasion skip. As for 4 hours sleep being enough, no way. You rebuild during sleep, and long term lack of rebuilding probably leads to, well, sleeplessness.
I would recommend having a discussion with your doctor about it. Really, in Prius Chat the answer to everything is "Check Your 12 volt battery" and I kind of feel that is NOT going to help you here.
For short naps, I find Prius transaxle tear-down videos indispensable, it's impossible for me to get through them without at least a brief dip into unconsciousness. Also very effective (again for short naps): The New Yankee Workshop. Just about the time Norm says "but first a few words about safety...", I'm out. Next thing I know he's putting a finishing coat of varnish on, as often as not. Speaking of which, for getting off to overnight sleep, thinking through the steps of some simple project. Occasionaly backfires though, then the only remedy is concerted effort to think of NOTHING. Avoiding tea, even non-caffeine herbal later in the evening helps me too.
@cyberpriusII how's the sleep batle going? I have been having sleep issues lately and wondered what worked for you.
I just finally decided tough it out and have used nothing. I considered GABA, but safety issues are a bit murky. Anyway, it continued hellishly for a few more days and then, all of a sudden I was going to bed at 8:30 and was sleeping ALL through the night and had trouble waking up by 7 a.m. I should be at work today, but did not get out of bed until 8 (went to sleep at 10 last night). I have to find some middle ground! But, I prefer this problem!! BTW, still battling computer issues, and I have to use my laptop. While it is an O.K. laptop, I hate using the keyboard.
Glad to hear the sleep is improving. I think mine may be getting a bit better too, but I am not oversleeping. Can you plug a USB keyboard & mouse into the laptop?
I finally dug up the wireless mouse and now have that working. I had a USB keyboard, but it was a piece of junk and was donated to a thrift shop several years ago. I will suffer along until I get the computer issue resolved.
Now that sleep deprivation was proven to be a success.. we have time to get back to the real business at 'hand'
Will sandwiches suffice? The sandwich: a global warming culprit? | PriusChat or Sandwich wars, French style | PriusChat
We figured that you were sleeping.....'re supposed to be suffering from PC troubles now......
Politically correct issues??? Well, possibly, I am dreaming of a Ninkasi Double Red Ale at the moment -- bad Kris....