Not Torque but OBDLink, the App wich comes with the omonimous adapters. For a few money (I paid 9.99€) you can get a Toyota library with hundreds of custom Pids of the various ECUs. My 2016 Prius4 is supported and I found a great number of interesting measures (to verify). As small sample: I believe that the door over HSD4 is definitely open and, soon, we could get a satifatory access to OBD values also through the other Apps/Devices.
Hi I wonder if you were able to make more trials. Obdlink dashboard is very basic, there are only dials or gauges. Do you find the brake pads indication?
If you mean information about regenerative / hydraulic braking, I think there are. At the level, or better, of the PIDs lists of previous Prius. Here the groups of main PIDs. Each group consists in dozens of items. You must also consider that the library is proprietary and the PIDs formulas can't be accessed. Anyways, in the next basic test, there are some values of P4 that, at the moment, you can't find in any other source (mechanical powers of PSD and a raw HSI indicator).
Thank you, I downloaded the PID, and there are really many of them. I put a bunch of displays of several measures (RPM, Temperatures, battery V, HV cell V,....). However when I start the connection it is required to choose one of the networks(?), that I understand means that not all the PID may work at the same time, but they are grouped. What I'd like to understand if really are there measures that we cannot see yet with other dashboards, like for example the hydraulic brake or Traction battery Temp.
For example, from "Network A" (the main) a browsing, in the "Diagnostics" fuction, of the PIDs group "Hybrid Control".
As expected, Hybrid Assistant announced yesterday the full support of HSD4 for Prius, Prime and C-HR For the occasion a video presentation perhaps a little emphatic but that Prius, with its elegant moving, well deserves.
Returning in topic. The old pending question, Torque Custom PIDs for Prius4, deserves at this point some answers, even if partial. Adapters issues. The wide incompatibility of Gen3 Custom PIDs indicates, first of all, an evolution in the OBDII protocols the ECUs use. Upgraded adapters, better if with downloadable firmware, are necessary. Most of Chinese clones, born as Fork of the original ELM327 v1.0, cannot gain a satisfactory access to them. As example, remaining in terms of ELM327 language, number of the AT commands has passed from 93 of the v1.3a (already new compared with original v1.0) to 128 of the v2.2. Software issues. Even with updated adapters, APPs must be able to take advantage of the new features. Programs like Torque, which pursue a wide support of devices, features and architectures, are unavoidably induced to use a minimal set of common OBDII features.Their updating is objectively more complex than that of dedicated solutions. Previous examples, and Hybrid Assistant, but also the evolution of ScangaugeII device, are proofs of this. Knowledge issues. Until few months ago the only application that fully interacted with Gen4 OBDII was Techstream, Toyota diagnostic software. Known G4 features where of origin Scantool, with xGauges expressions of HV Battery SOC, Amp, Volt (and few other measures), for use in an upgraded ScangaugeII device. I have no ideas if a conversion of them in terms of Torque Custom PIDs has been attempted or if it resulted simply impossible. From a very short time wide libraries of OBDII values, officially declared for diagnostic purposes, have appeared, as the previous Toyota Enhanced Diagnostics in OBDLink. The associated expressions are not accessible, but given the open nature of OBD conversations, with readable terms easily accessible, information about them will inevitably spread. The accumulation of these observations may give rise, as for previous Toyota hybrids, to large lists of Custom PIDs, usable in Torque or in similar applications? It will take some time and, I believe, some hardware and software updates could be necessary before they may be used.