Natural selection is messy, but it gets the job done in the end......which is why the warranty period for the human animal keeps moving to the right both statistically and real-world.
i might suggest the goal should be to live healthier, not longer. after experiencing several longevities in our family, i can attest that it's not all that it's cracked up to be.
Vax=bad, Thimerosal=really bad. Tongue scraper=good A common household spoon works better than the one from my dentist!
I'd rather go out with a bang than a whimper, and agree that quality is better than quantity. I worked in a hospital in my much, much younger days, where one of my responsibilities was bagging, tagging and slabbing the dead. On my first day I processed an elderly man who suffered a fatal heart attack while golfing - with fresh grass blades still stuck in his spikes. My mom asked me when I got home how my first day was, and I told her about this man. She became very upset - not knowing I'd be doing this. I told her I was fine. I said that this man was out on a beautiful day, doing something he loved with good friends. It was his time to go, and at least it wasn't slowly withering away in a bed.
Recommended: Dr Saputo on flu shot: He also has an article on his website at The Infection Deception Part 2 is at The Infection Deception-II: Deep politics, Global Health Policy, and the Swine Flu Debacle Addendum is at Addendum to Infection Deception-II: A Closer Look at the Science Behind Conspiracy Claims Note that his book is available both in print and free on the website. The video and articles are from several years ago and are focused primarily on the H1N1 (swine) flu. The current flu is different, but the players are the same. Much of the data reported here was gathered by CBS News - Dr. Saputo is just reporting on their work. Several quotes from the website article: It has long been known that a principal cause of seasonal flu is the lack of exposure to sunlight in the winter, which triggers the production of vitamin D in the skin. Because vitamin D deficiency is common in the winter, a proven method to keep oneself from catching an infectious disease is vitamin D supplementation. In fact, the Journal of Epidemiology and Infection recently published a paper that presents the hypothesis that influenza is merely a symptom of vitamin D deficiency. In addition, a large new study that involved about 19,000 Americans found that people with the lowest blood vitamin D levels reported having significantly more recent colds or cases of the flu. The systematic suppression of such well-understood natural substances as astragalus and vitamin D is not only a sign of lunacy. It is also tragic. Millions of Americans who believe that they need the H1N1 vaccine – but can't get it because of short supply, or won't get the shot because of confusion – are not being told to boost their immunity as a preventive measure. Our health officials are not even telling them to engage in exercise, another well-know prophylaxis against infections. With occasional exceptions, ordinary Americans only hear reference to the politically approved products of the pharmaceutical-industrial complex. ... In California, CBS also found, 13,704 test samples from suspected swine flu patients were analyzed, with 2% turning out to be swine flu, and 86% negative for any kind of flu. ... Does Science Prove That Flu Vaccines Work? We've argued that the swine-flu phenomenon is surrounded by worrying signs of corporate-dominated politics, government arrogance, and medical dogmatism – even on a global scale. But what about the science underlying flu vaccination? To get at this issue, you might start by discreetly asking your doctor to look up the published science behind flu vaccines. He or she may be stunned to discover that, as indicated earlier, no randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, long-term studies have ever been done to prove the efficacy of flu vaccine – or any vaccine for that matter. Zip. Nada. Not even a chance here for a zig-zag. I find it interesting that vitamin D and astragalus are represented as protective against the flu. I take high dose vitamin D to clean up my vascular system. I take cycloastragenol (isolated from astragalus) to help with my telomere length. Reduction in flu incidence is just a side effect for me. I'll take it.
So people in the tropics and retirees on Florida's beaches need not worry about the flu? I do not know, I see a lot of leather-skinned beach combers getting the flu ......
I'd rather take vitamin D than suffer skin cancer, and the smart people in the tropics do all things in moderation
there was a show last night on florida flu clinics. you get any signs, drop in, and they hook you up to an iv, supposed to reduce length and severity.
Pneumonia was called "the old man's friend" before antibiotics were widely available. As for homeopathic remedies like oscillococcinum, when something like that is diluted past Avogadro's number, all that's left is expensive water on sugar pills. Or, to paraphrase Tim Minchin, how can the diluted substance not retain the memory of feces and other filth that was in the water before it? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Any idea what they put in the IV? Several things that work are antibiotics, ozone, and vitamin C. I'd just start with lyposomal C and high dose vitamin D. If it's not an ER or ICU level problem, that should be enough and cost nothing compared to anything by IV. Staying away from other sick people is important to avoid MRSA complications. As Dr. Saputo said, it's not the flu that kills vulnerable people, it's the MRSA complication.
I wouldn't go so hard on homeopathic. They do have a history of using extreme dilution, but I've used things like arnica that are labeled homeopathic and have concentrations comparable to conventional medicine therapies. It wasn't that long ago that mainstream medicine recommended smoking. Or flu shots for that matter...
If you're old enough, the immune system is much weaker than in youth. Vitamin D isn't going to revert an immune system back to youthful functionality. Maybe stem cells, thymus rejuvenation, and telomere restoration will do that in the not too distant future. It would be interesting to know how lobsters do in terms of immunity. They have telomerase turned on their entire life, and don't show aging effects like humans. They just grow larger until they're eaten...
Nice to see that someone in America knows who Tim Minchin is. He is a genius. When Boots, the largest pharmacy chain in Britain, started selling homeopathic medicine, some doctors led a campaign for people to buy stuff at Boots and offer to pay with envelopes that had the memory of having previously had money in them. Other doctors led "mass overdoses" of homeopathic remedies in Boots stores.
You can only take so much enlightenment, then it ceases to be enlightening and becomes merely confusing.