I opened my hatchback on a cold day (15 degrees) to carry a TV into the garage. Unfortunately, I forgot to go back outside and close the hatchback. The hatchback sat there open for the next 20 hours until a neighbor called in the middle of a snowstorm to let me know that the trunk area was being filled with snow. I went outside, tried my best to brush the snow out, and closed the hatchback. I figured to myself, "no way that car is going to start," particularly since the temperature was in the single digits at night, and since this is the original battery with 92,000 miles on it. But this morning I got into the car, pressed the start button, and, after a bit of balkiness, the car started! I promptly did a twelve-mile drive on the highway, and have had no problems since -- although it continues to be bone-chilling here. I'm so delighted and surprised! And next time I'll make darn sure I close the hatchback!
I replaced my 12V battery a little over three years ago and put the battery on my diesel generator, it's still going strong.
Check the voltage with a multimeter at the least, with the car off, first thing in the morning. Post what it's reading. Getting it digitally load-tested would be better. You can also DIY this with Solar BA5. If it's viable, hook it up to a smart charger (4 amp range), and let it run to completion. Then continue to monitor periodically. Sorry to pee in your cornflakes, but to think that a stone-cold battery sitting with the hatch open for 20 hours is going to "bounce right back" is fool's paradise stuff. Is it the original battery, btw?
It is the original battery, Mendel Leisk. I promise I will take the car in to a reliable mechanic (I have one) to do wha tyt you suggest.
Ok, and I'll stay away from your cornflakes. You know what: original battery, I'd be inclined to just replace it, without extensive testing, maybe just the DIY voltage test, to see where it's at.
That means that it is 7 or 8 years old and that is a bit PAST the threshold of where a lot of owners report failures. Unless you enjoy daring challenges, I suggest that your little episode that "exercised" the battery's capacity also probably ensures that it will fail soon. And the standard tests often don't reveal that. Time to shop for a new battery.
maybe the dome light burned out and the battery wasn't being used. my daughter just replaced her '08 original battery that died two years ago at the airport. these little guys are pretty robust!