just received my new Prime. I pulled off the yellow and white warning sticker on the cell phone charging tray on the center plastic console. Quite a bit of the adhesive was left behind. Question - what can I use to remove the remaining adhesive.seems like very tough stuff and I don’t want to damage the finish of the plastic. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
Funny, I have a bottle of something called citrasolv that's my usual go-to for stuff like that. Don't underestimate it, though. You might try it a little diluted first. It will soften some plastics, enough that you might leave marks if you are using a pointy tool or stiff brush, probably not if you just roll the goop off with your fingers or a paper towel. Rinse well as soon as you're done so it's not on there longer than necessary. -Chap
When I was researching how to remove wheel weight adhesive, this stuff was highly recommended: 3M 38983 General Purpose Adhesive Remover Haven't followed through and tried it though.
WD-40 worked for me when removing packing tape adhesive from the plastic rear "bumper" when I had my 2010. Please do not ask why I had packing tape adhesive on the plastic rear "bumper."
I use both goof off and goo gone. Both work fine on plastics. Don't use the professional strength liquid that comes in a paint thinner like bottle usually (non spray bottle) 6oz. That is the heavy duty stuff that takes everything off.
What's fairly safe and mild and good is cigarette lighter fluid. The Goof Off I just got at Walmart has xylene and acetone...the acetone can be aggressive, and would not normally be found in lighter fluid, whereas the xylene is probably a typical lighter fluid component.
I used it to remove paint protection film from the nose if my ole blizzard pearl PIP and it does what it's supposed to do. The right tool for the job IMHO even if it costs a bit more than the others.