Here in Calif, a lawmaker has proposed banning the sale of any car in Calif that isn't all-EV by 2040. That's 20 years away (looked at another way, that would've been 1998 from where we are today). Let's see what happens. Gasoline-powered cars could not be sold in California after 2040 under new bill - LA Times
[Doubtful this song would have the same ending today] Time to cue up... 'Red Barchetta' by Rush My uncle has a country place That no one knows about. He says it used to be a farm, Before the Motor Law. And on Sundays I elude the Eyes, And hop the Turbine Freight To far outside the Wire, Where my white-haired uncle waits. Jump to the ground As the Turbo slows to cross the Borderline. Run like the wind, As excitement shivers up and down my spine. Down in his barn, My uncle preserved for me an old machine, For fifty-odd years. To keep it as new has been his dearest dream. I strip away the old debris That hides a shining car. A brilliant red Barchetta From a better, vanished time. I fire up the willing engine, Responding with a roar. Tires spitting gravel, I commit my weekly crime... Wind- In my hair- Shifting and drifting- Mechanical music- Adrenalin surge... Well-weathered leather, Hot metal and oil, The scented country air. Sunlight on chrome, The blur of the landscape, Every nerve aware. Suddenly ahead of me, Across the mountainside, A gleaming alloy air-car Shoots towards me, two lanes wide. I spin around with shrieking tires, To run the deadly race, Go screaming through the valley As another joins the chase. Drive like the wind, Straining the limits of machine and man. Laughing out loud With fear and hope, I've got a desperate plan. At the one-lane bridge I leave the giants stranded at the riverside. Race back to the farm, to dream with my uncle at the fireside Red Barchetta - Wikipedia
PS: my math was rounded, of course, but forgot to remember that, when typing in the year. 2040 is 22 years away, not "20", making the equivalent be 1996, looking forward to today. What were we thinking about car-wise back in 1996?
iirc, the clinton/gore whitehouse offered a ton of money for a high mileage car, and honda and toyota delivered, while the american mfg's took the money and ran. the public was caught up in the dot com bubble, and probably buying guzzlers by the pant load. i bought a windstar in '95. we were still recovering from black monday.
Like it or hate it, California has always lead the way. Lets see what big oil has to say about it. I was just enlightened the other day that I was charged (Taxed) extra because hybrids in Indiana don't buy enough gas to cover road repairs. $50 a year. Looking at it from my end, why don't they charge them a tax because they pollute my air?
Yes it is and now our old governor is the Vice President. Since he left they have actually fixed most of our roads in my area, probably a coincidence.
And remember... Jimmy Carter put up solar panels on the White House... and Reagan immediately tore them down. Speaks volumes.
Commercial lawn maintenance companies in California are electric, it’s great that cars will soon be, but until the Long Beach port stops diesel ships from polluting the water 24/7, well, let’s hope they do something. Commercial trucks need help, Tesla’s semi is a good try, if it’s not vaporware. Tesla, up 20$ today with a successful launch of a secret space cargo last night.
ya don't say! . . . . . . well, some say the search tool can be your friend New Cali Cars to be ZEV by 2040 | PriusChat some - not so much .