What--> $721.47 for 2 extra replacement keys for new 2017 2 Eco

Discussion in 'Newbie Forum' started by Terry Lee Thompson, Jan 5, 2018.

  1. RobH

    RobH Senior Member

    Sep 18, 2006
    Sunnyvale, California
    2006 Prius
    Just found an online source for a 2016 Prius keyfob. Should be compatible with all US 2016-2017 Prius, but you'll need to confirm the FCC id. 2016 Toyota Prius Parts - Camelback Toyota Parts - Genuine OEM Parts - Free Shipping
    Price is $139.13 +$3 handling +$10.40 shipping (or free shipping if total is over $150)
    Part number is 89904-47530, FCC id is 14FBC or HYQ14FBC .

    Be careful of used/new status. This one is new from a Toyota dealer. eBay has new, used, and used+unlocked . Used can come with/without the mechanical key which may already be cut. Used can only be registered with a seed reset (qualified dealer/locksmith proceedure), or if unlocked/refurbished.
    defenestrati, bisco and Raytheeagle like this.
  2. Terry Lee Thompson

    Terry Lee Thompson Junior Member

    Dec 24, 2017
    The Prairies of North Central Oklahoma . . .
    2017 Prius
    Two Eco
    Hey Rob-

    I want to thank you for this tip on Camelback Toyota...

    I Purchased the same 2 keys from them with the metal key inserts for => $331.36- that is 64% off.

    They can also get a Temp.Spare Tire wheel to me for $80 shipped- I am getting quoted $107 around her plus I would have 8-10% tax on that.

    It looks like Camelback Toyota is the place to go for parts.

    Thanx again Man- you just save me alot of $$$ or time digging this up myself, if I could have even found this deal.
    Raytheeagle and RobH like this.