I've now had two isolated instances of acceleration hesitation in the past 4 weeks. Both times the weather was dry and warmish (50's/60's), vehicle in regular drive mode (not eco nor sport). The vehicle has 4,200 miles. 1st time: approached and slowed down to turn right at a green light. Upon coming out of the turn, I depressed the gas pedal to experience no response. It momentarily felt like the car had died. It resumed normal operation within 1-2 seconds. I didn't think much of it until .... 2nd time: today, after stopped at a red light for approximately 45 seconds, I depressed the gas pedal to experience brief acceleration, then no response for 1-2 seconds, then normal operation resumed. I called San Francisco Toyota to chat with a service advisor but the receptionist was far more interested in scheduling a visit rather than transferring me. I'm sure a trip in will be fruitless since it cannot be reproduced on command. Has anyone else experienced this with their 2016+? Any advice? My only real thought is bad quality gas -- (?).
The vehicle is always driven in 'normal' mode. Battery charge today was at about 50%. I do not know where it was at the first occurrence, but likely not drained as I had a decent braking period approaching that right turn. Fuel level today was just above half tank, I don't know where it was at the first occurrence but I never drive with the gas light on (always refuel around 1/4 tank). As mentioned, both times the weather was 50's/60's, and dry. Climate control off in both instances. Radio on in both instances. Windows up in both instances. This is my 2nd Prius, 4th hybrid. I've never experienced this hesitation in any of them except for this Prius.
True, it could have thrown a code. I wonder how long these are stored (ideally I'd prefer to wait until my next service unless this issue worsens/occurs more frequently). Good thought but no, right foot only.
Hmm, could be software I guess. Not sure. I was under the impression that it gets wiped on the 4th start up of the car.
Could be some issue with the fly by wire gas pedal. I would take it to the dealer like others have said.
Had you gone over any rough surfaces prior to the hesitation? I notice when I go over a set of 4 railroad tracks leaving work that I get a bit of pedal lag on out Gen3 . Could be the wire harness on top of the pedal or something the software is detecting.
I noticed a few instances myself. Can happen if gas engine just shut off and takes a second to fire back up. Usually if you look at the MPH speedo it does go up when slamming the accelerator, it just doesn't have that instant Wide open throttle and noise associated with a normal car. OP, do you know if it was really 2 seconds or just felt like a couple seconds?
I had my first incident of this today. Speeding up - then coasting in line for the green light at the signal and then when I stepped on the gas there was nothing but sponge for what felt like1 or-2 seconds (but was probable <1.
We have to ensure it's not the drive-by-wire. Drive-by-wire do have a lag time. If you mash the pedal, it will take up to a second for it to respond. (Well anything other than a light and gradual acceleration which is more common than you think).
I've driven a Prius since 2008. This was a new feeling. It felt like I was out of gas - and yes I have experienced that in a previous Prius.
I don't believe so on the first experience, definitely not on the second experience earlier this week (it was a routine drive and occurred 3 blocks from my office -- smooth sailing. Yes, odd for Oakland. As krmcg commented, likely 1 second, maybe a fraction less. When you're needing to accelerate to get through a light, though, it likely feels longer! Regardless, it was long enough to discern and look at the instrument panel/gauges. Exactly that. Just a mushy gas pedal with no reaction.
The torque from the electric motor would have been available even before the ICE kicked in if it was the warm up cycle.
I haven’t tried this in my prime yet because I don’t want to abuse the car, but I remember in the Gen 2’s warm up cycle if you push the throttle past 90%, there is hesitation as I’m guessing the electric motor is prepping to take the ice’s overspin.
Is it possible that there was a moment of wheel spin? The traction control cuts the power way back momentarily.
Yes this might be it as it recently started raining here in SF and the stock tires do not perform well with wet surfaces.