Well. Today the Toyota technician saw my car and what he found ain' pretty. The little computer at the battery was full of coocroaches eggs and poop. They suggested to change the computer but I cleaned the board very well with alcohol and they are installing right now. If that doesnt work I have to pay 300 for the computer. Im attaching images of the cute wildlife next post
Geez, I can't even imagine how that could happen. And now we also have a new troubleshooting path to think about. Customer: My battery keeps faulting. Technician: Have you checked to see if the ECU's full of poop? I love it. That should be the very first question from now on. And, for fermuscolo..would this be a warranty item? If troubleshooting showed the ECU (if it's even really a true ecu) was faulty, and he stopped there, it seems like it would be a warranty item. After opening it up, which seems abnormal, does the poop make it a non-covered failure?
Another question is "do they have one in stock to fix it".? If you have a few days available, I have some of these (from a couple 2013 Prius C batteries) in the shop and would be happy to send you one.
They dont have one. Im cleaned it very well and Im gonna test. Woww and how much is for one of those?
I've had them in a box for over a year. I used the modules to build a battery for my son's car. The remaining parts, I just boxed up and threw on a shelf in case I ever needed them. Sounds like you may need one. If your "fix" doesn't work, just tell me how you want to ship it or how fast you want to get it and then just pay me back for what it costs to ship. Also, send me the part number on it so I can verify they are the same. I wouldn't be able to ship until tomorrow, so I could post a photo of it here this evening.
Go ahead and send me your mailing address through the "start a conversation" button. I should be able to get it on the way to you by tomorrow morning. USPS Priority Mail shows a 3 day delivery time to PR, but who knows what could happen with the holiday. I'll let you know what shipping ends up being and you can just paypal me later. I'll verify my part matches that number after I get back home around 4 or 5pm
Ising the "Start a conversation" button in the upper right of the webpage is a safer option. Use that and delete your address from post 57 so spammers & scammers do not use it. Here is the button.
It sounds like you did a good job cleaning it. I hope it fixes the problem, but I'll go ahead and send one tomorrow anyway (after verifying it's correct part number). That way you'll have one in case it starts acting up again. I never knew what a cockroach egg looked like until today. Although I like learning something new every day, I'm not sure if I'm happy about it.