Hi all, I'm having intermittent issues with my door not locking when I get out to lock it. I would say that it would not lock on me 45% of the time; and when I say "not locking", it ranges from having to shift my fingers/hand in all kinds of position to get the sensor to lock to down right not locking after standing there for a good 5 seconds. My expectation is that it should lock instantaneously; I can even tolerate a couple seconds but once it takes more than that, it starts to get annoying and I'm beginning. to suspect a technical issue. I would say 99% of the time, I can lock the car once I use my key fob, but I've run into not locking even when I have the fob pressed which kind of puzzles me as this indicates it could be a fob issue or the door handle. I'm leaning towards the door handle. Interestingly enough, I've never had a situation where I'm right next to the door, that the car doesn't unlock etc; not sure if that's a different mechanism or it comes from the door handle sensor. I would say that I can get the bloody door locked if I stand there and hold (or reposition) on the door til it locks about 90% of the time. So, I'm beginning to struggle with myself if I should just live with it. If anyone knows the technical aspect of the door locking/unlocking and where this sensor is, I'd appreciate it if you can explain it in this thread; I would guess it's on the driver door handle. Could cold temperatures play a factor in my woes? It is cold here in Northern Virginia currently. Has anyone experienced what I'm going through with their Prius? I have a 2011 model 3. I'd like your 2 cents. Thanks everyone in advance.
Gloves will reduce the sensitivity of the lock sensor. Pearl S takes a few seconds of application of a gloved finger to lock, and sometimes takes multiple tries, but locks immediately if I use a bare hand. The key fob will have no effect to the touch lock system.
Hi David, I am not wearing any gloves when I attempt to lock. Is the door handle sensitive to heat? Meaning it needs a warm body to trigger it or can a zombie unlock it?
Have you checked the 12V AuxBattery? I had similar symptoms (flakey SKS) a couple of years ago on my 2009 Gen II, and it was early warning that the AuxBattery was failing. Changed AuxBattery (it was 6 years old! ) and all was well! Good luck!
It's a capacitive sensor, so yes, the moisture in your skin is necessary. Sorry, I forgot the FOB needs to be within 2 metres of the door for the sensor to "know" it's ok to unlock. You just don't use the FOB buttons.
The owners manual mentions there is an additional sensor strip on the underside of the handle to be used in situations where a press on the top sensor isn't working. Also +1 on the 12V battery check recommendation.
This sounds to me like it could be yet another case of a failing electric actuator on the door lock itself. Does it make a click/clunk noise but fail to actually lock the door ?
The dealer showed me the pinch method to lock the door when there is inclement weather. Touch the top and bottom of the handle. Mine occasionally acts up when it is raining or in extreme cold. The pinch method, however, works every time.
There is a sensor at the bottom of the handle too so you can "squeeze" the top and bottom of the handle to get a more accurate response and hopefully increase the success rate. With gloves on, you can palm the face of the handle if squeezing the top and bottom of the sensor area doesn't work.
I've noticed I have an issue with the sensor sensing my key outside the car, or inside when I have my cell phone in the same pocket as my keys. Maybe interference.
I have this issue too. Conductivity is key. If you have dry skin or calloused hands, your flesh is less conductive. Sensor always works if there’s dew on it or it’s been raining. I handle a lot of paper and my skin is dry and chapped. I’ve noticed that it’s at its worst during those times.
I usually hit the inside door lock button before closing the door. On the occasions that I do use the outside sensor, I use a 2 finger touch to the ribbed area on the top of the door handle. That usually does a quick job for me.