Prius prime is quite popular at our building I think we all have good taste! Credit to my fellow coworker for snapping this
That is how they make them. So much for the birds and bees. (Great pic) (Is that a gaggle of Primes) (Plug in and a covered garage...nice)
I'll never see anything like that in the Chicago area. And 6 months in, I have yet to spot another Prime in the wild.
Me either. 6 months in Northern Illinois...have not seen any other Primes in the wild. Did see one mentioned as having charged at a Chargepoint I was going to use. Weird. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Group think inside the box and a misplaced sticker? Oh and a dangley ev plug cover thingy. They obliviously don't follow PC or they would know the proper....
OK, I'm going to create hate mail here: About 4 days ago I saw a car carrier with (don't hate me!) THREE Primes, all light colors, heading East on the 91 Fwy, just past Anaheim Hills!! Three people east of me are getting a Prime!! They were probably from the Port in Long Beach California. I was very happy! .
Yes, but you're in California. This is Illinois here where I am. These just don't pop up every day. I know that some day, I'll probably see another on their way to work, but until that day, I feel like I am the Highlander. In the end there can only be one! (or in this case, at the beginning) Highlander (1986) - IMDb
Thank you for explaining. For a minute, I thought you had gone rogue on us 2018 Toyota Highlander Hybrid SUV | See where your limits take you..
If you're asking whether I leave my Garmin attached to the car all the time, yes I do. It will also run on it's own battery, outside the car, or inside the car for about 2 hours. While it's attached to the car, the connecting cable provides an antenna, which is used to receive traffic reports. .