I have a guy listed here in my neighborhood. He was outside mowing the lawn, so I asked him about it and he didn't know what I was talking about.
Not to mention my wife’s hair dryer that I swear dims all the lights in the house! I’m only on day three of Prime ownership, so I still plug in as soon as I get home to charge right away. I’m sure as time goes by I’ll start using the timer, as I did with my BEV Fiat 500e, and charge during the low demand overnight hours. Craig
And most of the charging would take place overnight when those appliances aren't being used, especially if people are given an incentive to charge during non-peak hours. In fact with fast charging they could schedule individual chargers for specific time slots, all controlled centrally for anyone willing to sign up for the program, presumably getting a discounted rate.
I never used the Chargepoint card that came with the car. I just added the bonus to my existing Chargepoint account, rather than creating a new account (+bonus) with the new card. I also only used about $5 of that bonus before it expired. The card and the account are two independent things. One can put an arbitrary number of cards on a single account, so I guess if I wanted to, I could take the card that came with the car and put it my account. But now that they enabled tap-and-charge using their app on NFC-capable phones, I don't even need to use the original card. Effectively, my phone is now my Chargepoint card.
A single baseboard heater may be an equivalent load to that hair dryer, but everything else on my should be an even heavier load.
Can you share a bit more about the issues you encountered with the stations? I'd love to capture your feedback and send it to our team!
There were no usable stations in the northern Anaheim area, while my destinations in Mission Viejo, all Sports Parks (about 8 of those), had no chargers available. Huntington Beach Bella Terra has only 2 ChargePoint chargers which are occupied 90% of the time. You guys need to think about all the parks, shopping centers (Costco, Walmart, Target), even gas stations as locations for your chargers. On 2 occasions, found chargers were other brands; you guys need to STANDARDIZE the access methods, maybe using cell phone apps.!! Two of the other brand stations didn't work. .
Thank you for those details! Regarding the use of an app, we do offer Tap to Charge and an app (more on this in our thread, here) - is that similar to what you were suggesting?
Nope. I used your "ChargePoint Only" app. What needs to happen is the ability to use ONE app or card for ALL vendors, like EV Go, Blink, ChargePoint, etc. so user doesn't have to sign up for each vendor separately. The HASSLE FACTOR is what discourages EV use!! .
Two reasons: If they don't do it, they're all more likely to go into the toilet. Secondly, if they don't do it, the government may shove it down their throats. The current infrastructure simply doesn't work; something needs to be done to make it more viable, and these are just a couple of ideas I've come up with. . Also, credit cards are usable at varying businesses; why can't a similar approach, even with a third party, be used to track/pay for multi-vendor charging?
Maybe you can get a neighbor kid to make a phone ap that links all the competitor ones together. If you sell it, I want 1%.
Eventually they will all be able to use NFC on your phone like ChargePoint currently does. That will be equivalent to "one card to rule them all." As far as charging infrastructure being insufficient...you probably shouldn't have bought a plug in if you thought the current infrastructure was going to improve immediately just because you bought one. Did you not do your homework before you bought it? But yes, it is a little insufficient...especially for smaller battery vehicles. Larger ones can do basically all their charging at home. (I know you guys hate Tesla, so I won't even bring up their charging infrastructure.)
Only if they all use the same application, the same payment system and are all basically the same company. I can do almost all my charging at home with just 25 miles of range. It's insufficient even with that and, for me, those would be exactly zero help in my city. I live near that lake near the "W" in "Westminster". ChargePoint is better (and, yes, I know Tesla can use them if you buy a ridiculously-priced adapter) but even then I haven't yet found one at a destination I was actually visiting.
My point with this post is that TODAY, only enthusiasts, people really involved in cars, are willing to go through the hassle of using the current infrastructure. A huge percentage of people I am in contact with have no patience with all this nonsense about locating viable chargers or range anxiety, particularly when faced with apparent higher costs to purchase EV powered vehicles. I include in my list of "EV Powered Vehicles", plugin hybrids, BEV's and Fuel Cell cars. The "average Joe" is intimidated by technology and put off by changes as dramatic as electrified cars. On top of that, they now have to be involved is seeking out those elusive, functional charging stations. Then with the current system, they have to wait a long time to charge up. Good luck on getting that guy into an EV powered car. BTW, I did do my research and settled on the Prime because it's from an experienced, proven reliable manufacturer of hybrid vehicles. I compromised heavily in buying a car with automatic transmission, which I didn't want, and a car much too big for my needs. So I laugh when I see complaints about trunk 4" step up, or 4 passenger "limitation". I wanted a 2 seater hatchback, with a stick, with 1000 miles of gasoline range, 100 miles of battery range, and 0-60 in the 6 second range, from a RELIABLE vendor. Chevy, no way, Ford no way, etc. Honda/Nissan had nothing, so process of elimination, Prime with many compromises. Tesla is too expensive and charging is a big problem for me; trust is another issue here too. The Prime can be a hassle-free ICE machine, with no plug-ins if you choose, or if you're a car nut like me, you can play mileage, performance games, and learn about all this new technology, and post on forums like this 'cause it's fun to you!! .
Wow. I guess you haven't noticed from other threads that the OP is probably the most enthusiastic about his Prime purchase as anyone on here. He is also a huge proponent of electric vehicles. His main concern is the infrastructure impediments to this technology moving forward fast enough. You also must have failed to read his opening post on this thread, where he states that he would not currently own a BEV because of his experience searching for charging stations for his Prime. He was only looking for charging stations for his Prime because of his interest in the infrastructure, he is not a a befuddled Prime owner who didn't look before he leaped. He is raising his concerns because of his passion to see electric car use expand rapidly. And as he mentioned, if someone like him who is willing to put up with some inconvenience is finding it to be a hassle, we can only expect that the average person who is merely trying to get from point A to point B is not going to have any interest in driving an electric car until the infrastructure is improved. "if you thought the current infrastructure was going to improve immediately just because you bought one" That would be a pretty irrational thing for someone to think, what did he say that caused you to jump to the conclusion that he might be thinking that? Unless your comments were directed at someone other than the OP, I can't really tell.
We have become on of those households. We have a Chevy Bolt in the stable and with its 230 mile range it can cover rounds trips for most of our day trips around us. Anything longer is usually handled by the Prime, or my Tundra if carrying stuff is a necessity. The nice thing about the Bolt is it does have DC Fast Charger capability, but there aren't that many around us that I've seen. PlugShare is a good app and has helped me out before.
I disagree, one app for all is asking a bit too much. Back in the day did we have one gas credit card for ALL the different Gas companies? (Yes back in the day they did take cash also... ) sure you could use a Visa or MC to pay but you didn't get the discounts or benefits by using the company card. I don't mind having apps for all the different companies I just put them all in one Folder, and they are accessible in the off chance I would need them. Seriously with the Prime, why would I want to pay more for a Charge up when it costs me less to just use gas for the time being? The GF's Bolt like I said can handle most of the day trips we might want to take with it, but to be honest the Prime is more comfortable to me and has nicer long distance features. If we didn't have the Prime then we'd just rent a car for the vacation we have planned. To me it's no different than going on flying vacation to Maine, and having to rent a car there. Something you just do.