Anyone with a Prime Advanced and "automatic" rearview mirror notice if the thing actually dims? Mine just seems to maintain the same reflectivity; it's too bright at night and doesn't appear to change. I do have an added tint on back windshield which I thought might impact the mirror's dimmimg response. I wish they had followed the simple KISS axiom, Keep It Simple Stupid, and left the simple flip style dimmer! .
Not stupid!! Yup, and I've repeatedly turned it off and on, trying to simulate the conditions that would trigger the thing; no apparent response from mirror. My post is to ask other Advanced owners if they notice a significant reduction in glare/brightness at night. Me, I don't see nuthin' change !! .
It won't change if you're watching it. It's shy. I do see a reduction. It's not an instantaneous change, more like a fade.
Yup! See page 297 of the OM. If the light is on, it's on. There's a sensor on both the front and back of the mirror. Neither can be covered for it to work.
Yeah, I once thought that I saw a slight fade in/out, but if it's doing that, it's ineffectual unless you can adjust it! Man, it ain't doin' no good for me and my world-weary old eyes!! .
It's (stupidly) 2 switches, one on, one off, to the right side of the mirror!! Dumb, dumb, dumb!! KISS!! .
There's a sensor on both the front and back of the mirror. Neither can be covered for it to work. It looks at the light in front as much as behind. Like a noise cancelling mic except for light.
Yeah, I rigged my testing with both those sensors in mind, after studying the contraption for a while. .
I notice that even my Gen 3 auto-dim mirror doesn't always seem to be doing the job for which it was intended. I never had an issue having to reach up and flip the little lever on my older cars' mirror to dim the rear lights behind me. It seems to me that some things could have been left as is. Oh well...
The auto-dimming mirror in the Prime Advanced is definitely worse than the ones I've had previously, most recently my 2012 Camry Hybrid. It does dim, which I've noted by turning it on & off with a car behind me., but it is not as dim as I would like and certainly not as dim as my Camry's mirror.
Note that the auto-dimming mirror has been an issue for the Prius Liftback because of the split window. Prius v and other Toyotas won't suffer with this issue because they have regular rear window. In the Gen 2, the solution was to flip the mirror upside down such that the light sensor can "see" or sense the headlights from behind because now it's near the ceiling and above the rear spoiler. I would think the dip in the Prime's rear spoiler would help get more light to the light sensor and thus the mirror would work better. You can't flip the mirror in the Gen 3 because it won't clear the windshield.
Well kids, I got tired of being eggerrant, so I did a rearview dimming test thoroughly (enough for me, right now!), in my dark garage, car in "ready" (on) mode, headlights on, using the flashlight in my Samsung S7 phone, I flashed light onto inside rearview mirror glass, with mirror green light on, then quickly moved flashlight away: mirror was dark, couldn't see whitish background reflected by mirror. Within about 2 seconds of no flashlight, reflection returned. The mirror IS sensitive to the intensity of the light source coming from behind, so if I merely turned it off and on, with no flashlight aimed at mirror glass, the effect was negligible. My problem with this mirror is the degree of dimming is insufficient for my urban driving environment. The mirror dimming does work. New question: how can I adjust the degree of dimming?! Help me, kids; I'm too lazy to read the manual!! .
The Home Link mirror on my Prime Advanced works just as well as it did on my Gen3. I can tell no difference at night, switched on or off. Just a waste. More than that, it is something using electricity and doing nothing helpful. I have been in the habit for many years to just turn it off after I start my car. One less glowing green light in front of me. My wife's CT200 has the exact same Home Link mirror, and an even smaller rear window. But her mirror does work!
Have you tried flipping it upside down? My Gen 4 doesn't have auto-dimming mirror so I can't test it for myself. Again, they have the same mirrors. It's the design of the rear window on the Prius Liftback that hinders the potential of the auto-dimming mirror.
Oh yes, I get that, as we've been discussing this topic to death. Ten years or more with a dysfunctional design combo, and yet Toyota persists in spec'ing this mirror in the hatchbacks. I don't understand the inclusion. If it doesn't work, and it just never has in this model, why place these in the cars at all? That pisses off customers expecting it to work, and overworks their dealer network in trying to explain what can't be made to work. So the HomeLink park might very well work fine with garage doors and other connected stuff like lighting, but as a mirror, it totally sucks.