Make that 4 months. But during that time, it will be correct for an adjacent timezone. Do folks here travel much?
I thought we're all talking about the Prius Prime which has NAV standard across all trims My accord that I traded in would automatically change the time for daylight saving time. It's either doing that through HondaLink or through the car's GPS system. I guess Entune is like HondaLink, and it allows a data link using the phone as the tether, so I'm not sure why this feature wasn't implemented
Yeah I use Google timeline too. I also have it read my email. Alexa knows when I have a flight added to my schedule. My phone automatically rings me to go to the airport early because Google maps detected traffic. I absolutely technology! My friend calls it creepy.
I'm presuming that numerous portions of the internals are common across the whole Prius line, and other models to come under the TNGA platform: Toyota New Global Architecture - Wikipedia
Shared internals is probably the reason why, but if other manufacturers can allow features like real-time clock updates, then I'm not sure why Toyota's newly released platform cannot do the same. Maybe it's because most countries do not observe daylight savings time. It's a minor inconvenience, so it doesn't really matter.
Most countries have observed daylight savings or summer time at some point. Daylight saving time - Wikipedia
I still have a pre-2007 Matsushita/Panasonic-made GE 4head HiFi VCR with Auto Daylight Savings -- before daylight savings time was extended in the US, so if it's set to Auto Daylight Savings, it's all wrong (of course it's pretty much a moot point now, since the off-air TV frequencies are all wrong now, too). It would be nice to have an auto-set in the Prime... but maybe Toyota figured it forces the driver to take out the owner's manual at least twice a year...
Don't know what you mean. I just set my two - the dash clock through the MID settings menu and the Nav clock through the Nav settings menu.
Set my MID clock today, and had to refer to the manual to do so. PITA. The Gen3 had the easiest clock settings ever. Haven't done the system clock yet, and while looking at it noticed my calendar was about 3.5 months off. Thanks, Toyota dealer! Same dealer that forgot to deflate all 4 of my tires from the 45 pounds it came off the truck with. I am convinced they did nothing to my car to prep it other than rip the protective paper off the hood and pour some gas in it.
Got it - the car does call it the system clock. Glad someone mentioned there were two changes to make for luddites like myself.
There's been a simple and cheap solution to automatically setting a car's clock(s) for years now, yet they still opt not to do it. Located in Fort Collins CO. a time signal transmitter referenced to an Atomic Clock. On the shortwave bands it voice announces time and certain other info. The call letters are WWV. Broadcasting at a lower frequency is WWVB (at 60KHz) many cheaply available clocks from watches to wall clocks are available with a low cost receiver that automatically synchronizes to the coded time signal every night.