Good morning Priii's. Last night it was the time to paint the break calipers. The car is white so... I paint them black. After a 4km ride to clean the ink in the discs, it looks great! Next step: paint the rims! The coating is start to come out. Suggestions are welcome. Paint Dip or Ink? Paint all(black or gun metal) or leave silver parts? don't know what to do.... Ps: I don't disconect the 12v battery to disassemble the brake calipers.......PROBLEMS!! I open the driver's door with one caliper removed, the bomb starts to work and the piston comes out!! 0.5L oil out.... Conclusion: have to purge the break. Next time I disconnect the 12v Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Also "next time" you might NOT want to get paint on the rotors. If that paint gets embedded into the pads, you might be sorry later.
You have right. I forgot to put some tape on the discs. But before riding, I have passed sandpaper on the break work area to take out the ink excess but......isn't good work. Tanks for the advise Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
hope you used high heat enamel paint. when I did green, i used green 3000degree paint. but found out it chipped easily and lasted about 4-5 months before really chipping off. then when I did red (currently) i used regular gloss red spraypaint, but also put high heat clear gloss on first coat and on last. red is lasting a lot better and has been 6+ months now. I would do black plasti-dip on your wheels. I think it'd look great. at least 2 cans for all 4 so you have a few layers on. harder to peel off when only 2-3 layers on. next step, new drilled rotors in your future? I'm gonna change mine soon (at 58k miles at the moment. but i drive fairly aggressive).