Dang, Terry. Score. I have been paying ten bucks per filter. I'm in no way cheap or a penny pincher. Kind of an idiot about money but just learning that doing little things like making coffee at home or stuff like that and saving a dollar here and there really adds up. Then stashing all those few here & there, few bucks turns in a tidy sum that turns into a respectable, invest-able amount.
Scarf the stuffing out of my self last night. While parked, I had pressed start button twice to roll down window.had radio, dome and running lights on. Got out and then distracted. When I realized, ran back to car and it was all dark. Thought it was just the "time out it does if ya listen to radio with one push of start button. (Ignition on is 2?) But go through here and owners manual and think I'm gonna need a tow truck. Tried a few times and each attempt to start seemed stronger. Before calling for a ride, try one more time with fob in dash. She lit off. I have no clue. (Is that redundant?) snicker. The only thing now, the driver's window needs to be held to fully open or close like the others. Not click or fully pull/push to get it fully open or closed.(?) Found "awooga" horn. Gonna attempt installing it. do not know why but the thought of a hybrid with a horn like that cracks me up.
You have flattened your 12 V battery. You need to get it on a charger ASAP to avoid any further damage. You may already be too late and a new 12 V battery may be in you near future.
Not following ya, Dolj. Once the car started, the 12v is being charged? Googled "flatten 12v battery" but nothing came up. The auto driver's window up/down is working again. Think she was passable agresivly, punishing me. LoL
Yes, once the car is started, the battery is begins to charge. However, it will take about 12-15 hours of the car remaining in READY for it to charge the battery up from empty (flat). I just googled "flatten 12v battery" and this very fine website came up: Battery Basics: A Layman's Guide to Batteries. Scroll down a bit and read these two sections first: 8. Battery Life and Performance 9. Battery Charging It would be worth reading most all of that article. Very good info.
Front rt. bearing went. What a bear getting it out. Took forever. Next day, strut, same side went. Never changed one but went well. Except for cracking the windshield trying to pry off the left wiper. But still love this car. Getting an alignment done at townfair tire. Talking with the tech, they all hold em in high regard. Doing Uber on the side, us just couldn't find a better suited car.
Hitting 135k on my 2012, exactly 5 years ago. That's averaging 27k per year on just the regular commute. She's holding up pretty well on regular OCI. Wonder if she'll make it to 3M.
Replaced ft, st strut with used one from junk yard. Still sounds like it's bad. Or lose sway bar. (?) Rained bad here yesterday. Started car today and had no dash lights. After driving and restarting car, their back. Freaky lol gremlins! LoL. At 280K mile so starting to look at new, used PRI. Have to look. Wanted a plugin but I drive a thousand miles a week +. Any thoughts? Should look at other hundreds but this one has been so good to me, kinda dumb to wander, me thinks.
Why is it a "but" to buy a plug in when you drive a lot of miles? What difference would it make? I own both that's why I ask. My 2012 PiP is superior to my 2005 in every way except lacking a spare which I share with both cars. Even if I never plug in, the PiP gets 1 mpg better than a regular Prius. I also figure since the battery is 3 times larger, the chances of me needing a new battery would be lower because I have 3 times more capacity for degradation before I need a replacement. Although this is pure speculation on my part.
Stuber was gonna drop me as my PRI was aging out. Also had just replaced rt ft bearing and struts. Man, the bearing was a beast! Took (Not a joke) 3 men and a 20 lbs sledge to knock it out of the knuckle. I should have just bought a 99$ press at Harbor Fright. Took days as I learned and did it. Really was a bear. And front end was a mess. Sure I messed up some thing but was grinding and just got to frustrated to climes under it one more day in November, Ct. So grabbed a $5k 2010 hybrid. Sat for a while and think stale gas and TPS light is on. But getting bummer MPG. 40/43. Have not changed fluids or filters yet. Checked maint. history and she was right on time with everything. TPS light freaked me out not understanding the symbol. 127K miles on her. The heater keeps altering settings on it's own and oil soon due light came on, on day 2. Lol. Just figures. And needs tires..... But love the car. And oil is high. Just over max and was done at dealership. Thanks 3M. I didn't understand the deal with plugins.
Not the add, but the vid Bisco; These idiot things are a blast. The cops laugh and wave. Same transmission as a Prius or a scooter. (CVT)
cool! when i was a kid, we used to mount lawn mower engines on our bikes. cops weren't happy if they caught us though. i wish i'd stuck with it, might have made something of myself.
LoL, Bisco. (and I thought you were gonna yell at me for rambling) To mount a CVT to a small engine I needed a connector. (I now call a FEZ) So went to a machine shop. 2 weeks and $80 later, I had a bushing that looked like a wedding band. So I bought a lathe. ($800)Turned out to be to big for the garage. So I built a shop. ($5K) Realize I do not know how to work a lathe, so I go to an aerospace manufacturing course for 8 months and $6K. Fill the shop with a mill and associated/needed tools and now have a complete machine shop at a total cost of around $20K. For a part you can buy for less than ten dollars!!!!! snork But I like mine better. (kidding aside, mine is way better and plan on branching out and producing ultra light cars and self propelled utility carts. Food, snacks, park rangers and emergency first responders. But like you said and I often describe it. It's an 8 yr old boy's dream. The one I'm riding now has a plumber's blow bag as a muffler and a harbor fright snow thrower replacement engine. Every time some one rides one of these idiot things, they come back grinning ear to ear. Great and relaxing hobby! Kinda rideable art you make to your own desires. Ya can get a cheapie 2 storke, China Girl" kit for $140. Less through wal mart. I'm a mod on a forum. Come say hey! My name is "Dan" there. motorbicycling.com One guy built one on a competition thing and won the contest for cheapest "build" all scavenged parts and cost him .38 cents. He had to buy a washer or some thing. Or ya can go high end every thing and spend a couple grand.
Har, LOL! ayup. Burnt my best bib Carhartt overalls last winter. If ya can smell yerown arse burning at 30 MPH in a head wind in Febuary, ya might be a redneck.......
Bisco! I just was accepted to next phase for state grant, thing! I am old, happy and well fed. Don't really care about $. Just wanna make cool stuff and make life easier for folks who don't have it as easy as me. And this might, may hap, make that easy. Notice a the theam, here? LoL Best to you and your's Buddy!