So I have a 2006. It has alloy rims, but it still seems to also have a plastic piece, almost like a hubcap, on it as well. What is the purpose of that?
A rumor (unconfirmed to my knowledge) is that it is more aerodynamic so yields better EPA MPG. Certainly it protects the aluminum from scrapes.
Are they really only $20? And I noticed there is actually some curbing under one of them. Luckily it’s covered up pretty well. Where’s the best place to get replacements? Mine are pretty old. I could also use a few knickknacks around the car.
I think the wheels look alot better without the plastic rims but very easy to curb rash the edge of the wheel without that protector on it. Lots and lots of people run without that cover.
I had mine (on my 2004) for several years until one broke. I then drove the car for 8 years sans plastic wheel covers. JeffD
Better in most people's opinions (including mine). It takes about one minute to find out if you like it or not.
Many people just throw 'em in the garbage, thinking no one would ever want 'em, since the actual wheel looks a lot nicer than hoaky plastic frisbees, & the alleged 1/2-ish mile per gallon they may or may not save wouldn't be worth keeping them on ... even if it was proven to save 2 or 3 mpg. your opinion & ymmv ... .
My opinion is that they neither offend me nor impress me, so leaving them there is simply less work than removing them.