On my 2010 Prius the Steering wheel tracer buttons that light the visual tracer symbols on the dash display stopped illuminating, along with that I can NOT zero out or change between the A or B trip meter. Also non of the other dash screens can be changed like the screen mod's. Two weeks ago the buttons worked intermittently, and now they the Tracer screens have stopped working all together. But they do work the radio A/C but do Not light up on the dash. Anyone having this problem? I am in Phoenix AZ.
Unless it's your clockspring, this might be what you're looking for? http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=161777361267&alt=web
If it's your clockspring, then aftermarket ones are even less than the steering wheel and controls linked above.
And, of course, any time there are electrical issues the little 12V aux battery should be checked. If your battery is still original from 2010 then it is suspect. Plenty of threads on how to do that. You might just try a reboot, pull the negative terminal for 30 seconds or so. You will lose your radio presets, power window auto, and trip odometer figures. Good luck.
You can use the steering wheel controls to turn off the Touch Tracer display, but since you said it started doing it intermittently, that's probably not the issue (but check anyway.)
First I want to thank all of you for thoughts of maybe the causes. Here is the base line answers to the questions about the car you all have asked. . Question: Q1. Unless it's your clockspring, this might be what you're looking for? Answer: I have not taken the steering wheel apart at this time. Q2. 12V aux battery should be checked. If your battery is still original? Answer: The original battery went south two months ago and I replaced it. Q3. You can use the steering wheel controls to turn off the Touch Tracer display, but since you said it started doing it intermittently, that's probably not the issue (but check anyway.) Answer: I can not get the Touch Tracer to " Toggle between the different display screens" Like showing different modes. I can not get when pushed trip to go from A to B or to the cars full mileage. It is locked in trip "A" for me this is great/Good, because when when I get to 5000 miles the " maintenance screen will show and we all know how Annoying that is for All of Us to see driving down the road every day Hee Hee. So at this time when I get to the next 5000 I should be able to clear the prompt to reset. My question is could there be a control unit between the steering wheel Touch Tracer and the odometer? Remember the functions of the Tracer does work the radio volume & station change, Temp up or down and outside air open or close. What does not work or show is the two Touch Tracer projections screens. Nor will Trip or toggle between mod screen to pick even Touch Tracer on or off. Remember the functions of the Tracer does work the radio volume & station change, Temp up or down and outside air open or close. What does not work or show is the two Touch Tracer projections screens. Nor will Trip or toggle between mod screen to pick even Touch Tracer on or off.
Please tell me how to turn the touch tracer off. Then maybe I can get mine to work again. Thanks, John Oh I just found out how to find it in settings. Thanks all.
z02prius, I'm having the exact same problem you experienced on my 2010 Prius as of this week. Was it ultimately the spiral cable, the button contacts, or some other faulty part?
My 2010 Prius' Touch Tracers has stopped working as well as the trip button and mode button. All other steering wheel functions remain at this point. I dug into the steering wheel and tested the trip and mode buttons with a meter. Pressing the buttons changed the meter reading but I am not sure how far down the line that is true. I did not unplug the right side button panel from the attachment point at the wire block on the upper part of the steering wheel. I didn't know which pins to check so I left it alone. Also, I did try different position of the steering wheel to see if I could get any functionality to return in the event of a temporary short of the spiral cable. That did not work. What do you think it could be?
Dear Self, I purchased a spiral cable (8430747020) from Hong Kong for $9.99. Installed it yesterday without incident. All previously lost functionality has returned. First thing I did was clear the oil change notice from the screen!
Thanks for that. When I look it up, EBay has them for a fraction of the Toyota online retailer prices. Strange, someone walking out of the factory with them??
Hi. I know this is an older thread but it's the only one I have found describing the same problem I am having with my 2010 Gen III. Re: the part you listed in your response (8430747020), it did restore the Touch Tracer functionality, correct? From whom did you source this part? When I find it on EBay, the seller requests inputting your vehicle info (year/make/model/trim etc.). When I do, it returns a message saying the part is not compatible with my vehicle. I'm SO tired of looking at "Oil Maintenance Required" and not seeing my Touch Tracer hologram.