$2000???? For professional repair? I need to get my car body work done wherever you get yours done!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At least this is a good sign- he sees all of the extras that you have, assuming the high techy things are add ons. That will be reflected in the check.
Update* Prius was totaled. Fault determined yesterday was 50/50, I will be fighting because it was her fault. They are giving me $14,800,000 for 2012 Prius (59k miles). I made around $3600 from this check so, not bad after all. Thought about it and might be getting another Prius if I see a similar one, other cars I'm looking at are : Mazda 3 2014+ Honda Civic 2016 Lexus CT 200h
................. If you only came out $3600 ahead, you paid WAY to much for that car when you bought it......
Nice check. I don't know the details, but think it's worth the effort to fight an accident (50% fault), if it wasn't your fault. Good luck. I'd stay away from the '14 Mazda 3- lean towards the '15 model year. As per CU, the in-car electronics are troublesome, probably since it was the first year of the new model.
In the continuing absence of a reasonable story about how it could be her fault that he rear-ended her, I'd suggest cutting one's losses and taking the settlement. Continuing the battle reopens the possibility that he gets pushed back to the normal default position, that he is 100% at fault for the rear-ender.
I've had those Mazda's quite a bit as rentals while traveling. Hate them compared to a nice smooth Prius. Civic is a fun car. Completely different than the Prius. If you want to ride the rails in a car, the civic is a good choice to put a smile on your face for cheap. The CT200h was a really cool car, but to me felt very cramped and small inside for what is essentially a smaller Prius with more sound deadening and a switched out badge. Also, I dislike the Lexus joystick. I much prefer the touchscreen in the Prius. And yes we have Lexus vehicles, and they have the joystick. Still don't like it.
Not sure where I made the typo, I purchased the Prius for $11,2 and they are giving me $14,8 for it now.
Its a place in sun valley nrar the big pick a part place. where all the salvage yards are. Doing a good job.i went there twice in the past 3 years but never anything major .just cosmetics. Didnt need all the BS from fency body shops in my area near bevery hills. Just got wharever needed and nothing else..i can post photos of my prius and what he did for $1200 ( 2 fenders,bumper cover, one head light) all parts were after market but btand new.cash paid. let me know
You got very lucky. Isnt 14k is full blue book? How can you put the blame in her. Interesting. Why not gen4?
Yes, $14k was a full blue book value to a private party, the inspector evaluator I had was such a great dude, we talked about a lot of other stuff as well. Been browsing everything, found few 4th generations in my set price range, will be test driving all the cars I've been browsing over the past few weeks. Currently been riding a motorcycle and its no fun honestly, especially the upcoming low to high 90 C starting tomorrow for a few days in Southern California.
Yep. Still hot here in so cal. Around 3pm goes down to 70-75 so not so bad for a bike ride. I just wondered how did you manage to get this 50/50 blame if you the one in the back. You know your way
Late update. I've been busy with car searching other things that popped up recently. Found a white Lexus CT for a little more from my budget, but the experience I've had this past two weeks with this car is amazing. Still feels like a Prius engine wise but sooo much smoother and quieter and so much more actual leather that feels like one, I have made a great choice with this vehicle and a nice little upgrade. It was a lease buy out, so the car is in mint shape inside and outside. Will post the pictures later if you guys want. Not sure if am really going to stick around here much anymore now though.
Take the money and run. Don't worry about fixing it... Was it your insurance company cutting the check or the other party insurance company?