The radio and back-up camera are fine, but no bluetooth, no apps, navigation, no setup screen. The lighter/charger in the front doesn't work, but the one in the middle console still works. Toyota service shop said I could get an exchange (rehab) radio unit, with installation will be about $600. and if I understood correctly, said the charger problem was a fuse. Does this make sense? Should I replace the radio there, or go to an car audio place?
check all the fuses first, to be sure, but go to an audio place for a decent unit, instead of the toyota garbage.
Oddly enough, today I have this same situation. Checked all fuses related to audio. When I hit the “APP” button it says not installed.
Did you find a solution to this? I think I'm having the same issue. When I press the Apps, Setup and Phone buttons to the right of the screen, nothing happens. It's like it's not equipped with these features but I'm pretty sure it has navigation and bluetooth. Backup camera works though. The cigarette lighter port works, but the USB port doesn't.